by Dick Bryant
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Scenarios for Wargamers is a new quarterly, with a first issue due out 30 November. The publishers intend to include scenario and topical analyses from all historical periods,as well as reviews of books, figures, and games. Subscriptions are $20/4 issues. PO Box 15172, Chevy Chase, MD 20825-5172. Wargaming in History: Romans, Goths, and Huns, a new book by Simon MacDowell, promises the rules, the tactics, the strategies, and techniques to wargame the twilight of the Roman Empire. Paper, 96pp, 35 B&W illus, $7.95 from Sterling Publishing Co, 387 ParkAve South, New York, NY 10016-8810. Midwest Wargamer's Association Newsletter is still being published after a brief period when all American wargamers held their breath while Hal Thinglum decided whether he was just too burnt out to keep going. This is an absolutely first-rate amateur magazine, currently running at 142 pages. It is dominated by wargamers writing about what they really are doing, with at least one ruleset in each issue, lots of reviews and commentary. No color, no gloss, just wargaming. A few highlights from #59: Franco-Prussian rules, Boxer Rebellion rules, an article on building walled farms, a commentary on Command Decision 2, and bunches of letters. $20/6 issues from Hal Thinglurm 22554 Pleasant Dr, Richton Park, IL 60471. Computer Gaming World is a magazine devoted to just that. In the last year it has begun to move decisively away from a style that seemed written by 14- year olds for 14-year olds. Among the improvements is the incorporation of what amounts to a magazine within the magazine, devoted to wargaming. Running about 30 pages, this socdon includes reviews, playing hints, accounts of games played, and discussions of the theory and practice of gaming on computers. The reviews vary in length, but most are detailed and well worth reading before laying out the money for one of those shrink-wrapped games. 132 pp, 4-color glossy throughout, $28/12 issues. Call (800) 8274450. Military Digest, which describes itself as the Journal of Mobile Warfare is devoted primarily to 20th century warfare and the advocacy of maneuver warfare. The October issue has an article quoting and paraphrasing Rommel on mobile warfare, a discussion of the use of smoke and how to handle it in games, an analysis of British tactical errors in Operation Crusader, an account of Grant's Vicksburg campaign, and a description of the Coalition forces involved in Operation Desert Storm. 50 pp, spot color, $36.95/12 issues. PO Box 5526, Madison, WI 53705. Kaiserzeit is returning after a long layoff. The journal of the Imperial German Military Collector's Association, this magazine covers uniforms, equipment, memorabilia, and unit histories of the Imperial German period. Number 53 includes an article on the Royal Bavarian Lei1garde der Hartschiere, a tracing of the Bavarian Death's Head cap badge, and the last in a four-part article about escaped German POWs in Japan during WWI. 32 pp, many photos, $15/year membership. Die Kaiserzeit, 82 Atlantic St, Keyport, NJ 07735. Spearpoint is the newsletter of the North American Society of Ancient and Medieval Wargamers. The July issue provides evidence of the attempt to move this magazine away from its WRG-only tendencies, with a continued discussion of the merits of Ancient Empires and a battle report using the rules. Also included are a proposed army list for Henry VIII for use with WRG7, an official list of permissible mixes of Book III amps types for NASAMW WRG7 tournaments, a continuing discussion whether Pyrrhic phalangires should be upgraded an armored in WRG7, an account of the Mithridatic army, and a treatment of Etruscan fighting qualities from 382-312 BC. Required reading for Ancients gamers with a political bent or an interest in murnament play. l8pp, $12/6 issues and membership. Scott Dickson, 1009 S. Highland Ave, Landis, NC 28088. Slingshot, journal of the Society of Ancients, presents the British view of Ancients garning, and tends to contain a larger proportion of quasi-academic articles than Spearpoint. Issue has a review of Shieldbearet, a continuing discussion of Ancient Empires, the second part of a beginner's guide to WRG7, a discussion of Carolingian armament as illuminated by the capitularies of Charlemagne, a discussion of the possibility of a better way to handle scythed chariots in WRG7, and from WRG a list of troop classifications for De Bellis Multitudinorum, with a points system, guidelines for DBM army lists, and a call for submissions of research for the same. In addition there is a large and lively correspondence section. 40 pp, $32/6 issues by air with membership. In the US, contact Chris Parker, PO Box 295, West Newbury, MA 01985. Courier Dispatch News About the Hobby. Back to Table of Contents -- Courier # 59 To Courier List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1992 by The Courier Publishing Company. This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |