Soviet Air Power

Soviet Air-to-Air
and Air-To-Surface

by John Ericson
Reprinted from NATO Review by permission

'KANGAROO' - Largest Soviet nuclear-warhead ATS weapon. Range: 372 nm. Carried by Tu-20 'Bear.' The importance of ATS weapons declines as more ICBMs and sub-launched ballistic missiles are introduced.

'KENNEL ' - Two are carried by rhe Tu-16 'Badger' in an anti- shipping role. Range: 50 nm. A turbo-jet powered missile which has been sent to lndonesia and Egypt.

'KELT' - Also carried by the Tu-16, this is a rocket-powered variant of the 'Kennel ' missile. Range: 100 nm.

'KIPPER' - Vaguely resembles the U.S. 'Hound Dog' ATS missile. Carried by the Tu-16 for anti-shipping and coastal attack. Range 100nm.

'KITCHEN' - Most powerful of all Soviet nuclear armed ATS missiles, carried by the Tu-22 'Blinder' bombers. Stand-off range is 450 nm.

'ALKALI' - Normally deployed on MiG-17, MiG-19, and Su-9 interceptors. Range: 3 nm. Speed: Mach 1-2. Warhead is too small to insure a kill unless separation distance between fighter and target is reduced to less than 1,000 yards.

'ANAB' - Carried by Su-7, Su-9, and Su-11 interceptors. Range: 4 nm. Both radar and infra-red homing versions exist.

'ASH' - Four of these large, long-range missiles are carried by the long-range 'Fiddler' interceptor. Radar and infra-red guided versions exist.

'ATOLL' Widely deployed on MiG-21 interceptors, especially for foreign export to North Vietnam, Egypt, India, and Cuba. Closely resembles the US 'Sidewinder' missile.

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