Soviet Air Power

Soviet Aircraft and Specs
(slow: 169K)

by John Ericson
Reprinted from NATO Review by permission

Mya-4 BISON four-jet long-range bomber.

    Crew: 8-10
    Range: 6,000 nm
    Speed: 560 mph
    Service Ceiling: 36,000 ft.
    Armament: 7 23mm guns, 9.5 ton bomb load
    480 BISONS were built since 1954. The equivalent to the US B-52.

Tu-20 BEAR turboprop long-range bomber.

    Crew: 8-10
    Range: 7,800 nm
    Speed: 480-500 mph
    Service Ceiling: 42,650 ft.
    Armament: 7 23mm guns,12.5 ton bomb load
    First appeared in 1955. World's only turboprop bomber

Il-28 BEAGLE light twin-engine bomber.

    Crew: 3
    Range: 1,500 nm
    Speed: 580 mph
    Service Ceiling: 41,000 ft.
    Armament: 2 23mm guns in tail, 2 20mm guns in nose, 1.5 ton bomb load
    First operational jet in Soviet Air Force, counterpart of English Canberra (US B-57)

Tu-16 BADGER medium bomber.

    Crew: 4-7
    Range: 3,000 nm
    Speed: 587 mph
    Service Ceiling: 37,730 ft.
      A Version: 7 23mm guns, 9 ton bomb load
      B Version: 2 Kennel ATS Missions
      C Version: 1 Kipper ATS missile

    2,000 built since 1954.

MiG-17 FRESCO fighter-bomber/interceptor.

    Crew: 1
    Range: 750 nm
    Speed: 732 mph
    Service Ceiling: 55,000 ft.
    Armament: 3 23mm cannons, 4-8x rocket pods or two 550lb bombs

MiG-19 FARMER fighter-bomber/interceptor.

    Crew: 1
    Range: 1,400 nm
    Speed: 850 mph
    Service Ceiling: 60,000 ft.
    Armament: 3 30mm cannons, 4 Alkali ATA missiles

Su-7 FITTER ground attack day fighter.

    Crew: 1
    Range: 1000 nm
    Speed: Mach 1.6
    Service Ceiling: 60,000 ft.
    Armament: 2 30mm cannons
    First seen in 1956. Capable of only close support missions with light ordance loads.

Su-9 FISHPOT short-range all-weather interceptor.

    Crew: 1
    Range: 1,000 nm
    Speed: Mach 1.8 mph
    Service Ceiling: 60,000 ft.
    Armament: 4 Alkali ATA or 2 Anab missiles

MiG-23 FOXBAT high-altitude all-weather interceptor.

    Crew: 1
    Speed: Mach 3
    Service Ceiling: 70,000 ft.
    Fastest fighter in the world. 15 stationed in Algeria. One squadron in Egypt 1969.

Mi-6 HOOK heavy transport helicopter

    Crew: 5 + 65 passengers or 41 stretcher cases and 2 medical attendants
    Range: 620 nm
    Speed: 155 mph
    Largest helisopter of its type when first exhibited 1958.

More Soviet Air Force

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