The Battle of Glenshiel

10 June 1719

Government Briefing

by Derek Henderson

Following futile military attempts in 1689 and 1715, it seemed that 1719 might be the time the Jacobites made another serious attempt at putting a Stuart on the British throne. Spain and Britain had fallen out the previous year and Philip V's chief minister, Cardinal Alberoni, on the "back door principle" had promised massive Spanish support to the Jacobites if they were to rise. Although the main target was to be England the Scottish route was well recognised.

The Spanish force was to consist of two parts. The main force was to attack England whilst a smaller force under George Keith, the Earl Marischal was to land in Scotland. As things worked out the main invasion fleet was completely wasted by a storm, whilst the smaller force of a weak battalion of Spaniards eventually landed safely in Scotland in April 1719.

Moving quickly to counter the rebels before their strength grew, the Government army has been assembled at Inverness. In essence it's the Inverness garrison reinforced.

Things must continue to move quickly. The Royal Navy has temporarily cut off any Spanish reinforcements and the clans seem unwilling to give full support to a rising until they see that they are not out on their own.

By May the Government has decided to move against the Jacobites but awaiting reinforcements the Jacobites, uncharacteristically, refuse to go on the offensive and so set about establishing a blocking position in Glenshiel, near their base and line of supply. They clearly hope to play for time and reinforcements.

You are Major General Joseph Wightman.

Your Objectives: To crush the rebels before they increase in strength. Reinforcements for them are believed, even now, to be on the way and a rebel victory would bring in the more wary clans. As a secondary objective you should attempt to secure the bridge over the River Shiel.

Set Up: You will enter the table at point C in column of march.

Special Rules:

The glen sides are too steep to charge across, up or down and will disorder all formed regulars. Dragoons on the glen sides are classed as skirmishers and so although unformed are not disordered.

Government Forces:

    Mackay's Foot 100
    Milburn's Grenadiers 200
    Montagu's Foot 100
    Harrison's Foot 100
    Huffel's (and Amerongen's) Foot, (Dutch) 120
    Clayton's Foot 100
    Munros (Loyalist Highlanders) 130
    Robertson's Dragoons (who may fight, dismounted) 120
    Coehorn Mortars: 4 mortars, 40 crew
    Total: 1,110

More Glenshiel

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