Route 66:
A Vietnam Scenario 1969

NVA/VC Briefing

by Steve Wilson


A routine American convoy is heading towards Firebase Hotel. This is a regular American operation, the convoy normally reaching the firebase by late afternoon.

Jumbo Map (136K)

In order to establish your presence in the region you are to ambush it, cause maximum damage and casualties and then disengage. Note that this is not a `suicide mission', you must have a viable force left intact after the action in order to undertake future missions (and encourage fresh recruits to join).


You have 2 sections (each of 9 figures) of NVA (average effectiveness and above average morale) and 3 sections (each of 9 figures) of local VC (below average effectiveness and morale and generally poorly equipped). These forces are supported by up to 3 RPG gunners and various heavy weapons (see reinforcement schedule).

You also have 6 'units' of explosive which can be used to make small (1 unit), medium (2 units) or large (3 units) mines. Mines must be emplaced prior to the start of the game. If placed in open ground or on the road the Americans have a good chance of spotting them. Mines may not be placed on bridges.

Mines can be detonated either by contact, trip wire or command wire (specify at the start of the game). Mines have an approximate 10% chance of failure.


The American convoy typically consists of around 3 APCs (with infantry). It undoubtedly has the capability of calling in fire support from Firebase Hotel. As the Americans consider this a friendly region air support is unlikely (although light recon' aircraft are sometimes active in the area).

The populace in the region are generally `neutral'. You need a success to gain their allegiance.


The Americans start on Table 1, they are 5 table lengths away from the firebase. Note the Americans do not know this.

You are moving and operating on Table 3.

Until the Americans enter Table 3, they can do nothing to your troops (and vice versa).


You have markers to represent your troops. The underside of the markers should clearly state what the marker represents. These are not revealed until spotted. In addition you have several dummy markers (to help spread uncertainty etc.). You always know which markers are live and which are dummy.

A live marker represents either a cell of 3 men or 1 support weapon (and crew).

The live markers must move and fight within the rules. If the Americans make a spotting roll your men are put on the table (provided you both operating on the same table).

You are free to do what you want with the dummy markers - within the following restrictions:

    1 They must move within the rules.
    2 They may only enter at the tables edge.
    3 They may not move closer than 1" to another live or dummy marker (no 'bunching').

If the Americans make a successful spotting roll against a dummy marker it is removed.


You may deploy one section of VC anywhere on Table 3 (using the markers) within the following restrictions: a) Not within 18" of a narrow table edge and b) not within 6" of a long table edge. They may be considered to start dug in, but lose the benefits of this if they subsequently move.

Up to 6 dummy markers.

Mark on the map the location, size and type of mines (again these are on Table 3).

Your NVA is off rousing and organising the remaining local VC.


Every other turn roll 1D6 to ascertain what reinforcements (if any) arrive. Once the Americans enter Table 3 no further reinforcements are received.

    1-3 No troops, between 0 and 2 dummy markers.
    4 1 cell of troops (3 figures), either NVA or VC and up to 2 dummy markers.
    5* 1 RPG gunner (the first time a 5 is rolled only) or 1 cell of troops and up to 2 dummies.
    6 1 HMG team or 1 light mortar team or 1 RPG gunner and up to 2 dummies.

    *If more than 1/2 the NVA have already entered a roll of 5 is ignored.

The maximum number of RPGs allowed is 3.

The maximum number of HMGs allowed is 1.

The maximum number of light mortars allowed is 1. Note your force has no radios so ensure the mortar team can spot its target.

Reinforcements enter along either 'long' side of the table edge, not within 18" of the American entry point. All reinforcements enter on Table 3. All reinforcements enter as 'markers'. Remember that although figures and markers may be on the table at the same time/place there is no actual contact until the Americans enter Table 3.


To cause maximum damage to the Americans whilst 'living to fight another day'.

You should endeavour to evacuate all your casualties (both dead and wounded). The Americans are only 'credited' for casualties they actually capture.

Once your men exit the table they are considered safe.

Route 66 A Vietnam Scenario 1969

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