Mark Antony
in Parthia 36BC

Armenian Briefing and OOB

by Ernest Mortimer

Armenia has remained independent by carefully switching alliances between Rome and Parthia. Currently you are allied to Rome as they are the strongest power in the region. The Romans however have just invaded Parthia (again). These invasions tend to end routinely in disaster. The current invasion has done better than usual and the main Roman army is besieging Phraapsa. Marc Antony has summoned reinforcements and a much needed supply train as he has to capture the city before winter or risk a dangerous retreat.

The campaign is therefore finely balanced.

Your forces are part of the escort. By keeping to difficult terrain you have kept the Parthians at bay. Now you must move over more open terrain as you approach the city. Parthian forces are massing to cut you off.

You will win either by supporting the Romans to a win (exiting the baggge or holding a defensive position with a water supply and baggage intact) and more than 1/2 your cavalry is intact OR by extracting more than 1/2 your cavalry if the Parthians win (either by destroying the Romans or capturing the train).

You cannot disengage (leave the table) until either you or the Romans have lost a unit or the Romans have started to lose men due to the heat.

If you abandon the Romans (disengage) and they go onto win you will lose! If you stick with the Romans and they lose you lose also. If you lose 1/2 your cavalry you LOSE regardless.

Your forces start on the Roman table edge between the road and the track.

The Roman forces will be troubled by the heat unless they have secured the Oasis. Your forces and the Parthians are not affected by the sun.

You cannot attack the Romans.

All forces should be considered irregular.

From your experience you will know that water supply in a prolonged fight will be vital.

That the Parthians normally attack in relays, pulling units out to rest and resupply with ammo.

Some Parthian light cavalry is trained to charge along with the Cataphracts.


Polemo: CinC Average
His friend: Poor

Troops Figures Quality
Cataphract Cavalry 8 C
Cataphract Cavalry 8 C
Skirmish Cavalry 8 C Bow
Skirmish Cavalry 8 C Bow
Light Cavalry 8 C
Levy Foot Bow 16 D Skirmish
Levy Foot Javelin 16 D Skirmish or Loose

Mark Antony in Parthia 36BC

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