by William H. Keith jr.
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The layout of Horstwald and the surrounding area is shown on the two maps included with this scenario. Map 1, showing the Horstwald grounds, is useful for planning and setting up the defense of the estate. Map 2 shows the wing of the Horstwald home where Horst has his offices, his personal quarters, and the vault. MAP 1: THE ESTATE GROUNDSMap 1 opposite shows the layout of the Horstwald Estate grounds. The letters and numbers on the map are coded to the following: A-G: These letters identify the six segments of the estate's alarm system. The estate walls are topped by photosensors which will sound an alarm when an invisible beam of light is broken. The letter G identifies the gate alarms, which sound if the locked gate is touched or opened. Each section of the perimeter is also overlooked by remote television cameras. Both the cameras andthe securityalarms are keyed to the House Security room in the main building. 1. Main Building: This is Horstwald, the mansion originally built by the Horst family over two centuries ago. Kelvin Horst is the family's only surviving member now. Except for those occasions when he throws lavish and somewhat notorious parties for visiting business associates, the main house is kept locked up. The characters will not be allowed to enter the building which, Horst insists, is sealed and fully protected by its own set of alarms. 2. West Wing: This structure is an obviously recent addition to the Horstwald manse. The passageway leading to the main house is kept locked and sealed. Horst himself--a man of relatively spartan tastes--prefers to stay in his quarters in this annex when he is on Port Moseby, close by his offices and files. The vault is located here, and this is the structure which Horst is hiring the characters to protect. 3. Servants Ouarters: Horstwald once supported a huge number of family retainers, servants, and employees. These and their families lived in a small village located on the far side of Horst Lake. Their numbers have been reduced now to the 20 men and women serving as Horst's bodyguards and personal servants. They live in the Servants Quarters, each of which is a modest but comfortable cottage of five or six rooms, large enough for a small family. Most are now closed, locked, and empty. 4. Garage: This building serves as garage for the entire estate. Inside are two commercial hovercraft and an expensive Zentra4000 ground car. The statistics for the Speeder and the Typical Air Car listed in the MechWarrior rule book can be used for these vehicles. Also in the garage are numerous tools, parts, and Tech devices for maintaining and repairing the vehicles. 5. Gatehouse and Gate: This is the only gate onto the estate property. The gatehouse isaone-room structure for use by the estate's security personnel. It is connected by a private phone line with the House Security room. TV monitors provide views from cameras mounted on either side of the gate-views which are repeated at House Security. An intercom system allows the guards to question visitors who approach the gate, and the cameras allow them to check IDs without coming out to the gate. A push of a button will unlock and open the gate for expected visitors. There are usually two guards on duty here at all times. 6. Estate Wall: The wall surrounding the estate is three meters tall and topped by the alarm system described above. It is nearly a meter thick, and set too deeply to allow anyone to tunnel underneath. Imbedded sensors set off alarms for the appropriate area in the House Security room if the wall is breached in any way at any point.
P: Patio Pool: A patio area and swimming pool behind the main house, used by Horst in entertaining his associates. The pool is 3 meters deep at its deepest. W: Woods: The woods of Horstwald. They are considered to be light woods for all combat and sighting purposes. LIGHTING: Spotlights are set up along the house walls, designed to illuminate the grounds within 20 meters of the house. Fully lighted areas are shown on the map. There are still areas in shadows, however, where trees, shrubs, or odd angles to the building's walls create blind zones of deep shadow at night. The main gate and all of the inner wall is fully lit by lights set into the ground inside the wall.