by John Theisen
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Game Set-upThis scenario uses Expert BattleTech and CityTech rules and two maps: the river-and-mountain (south) map, and the river-and-lake (north) map. Maps should be placed end to end, so that the xxl 7 hexrow of the upper (north) map is at the opposite end of the xxl 7 hexrow of the lower (south) map. (When correctly place, the large lake should appear in the upper map, connected by a river extending off the edge of the lower map, with the lower map's Level 5 peak on the river's west bank.) All terrain effects are as shown, except that all Water hexes are considered to be Elevation 0 Clear terrain. The setting is the 'Happy Valley' region on a planet in the Periphery believed to be near Rasalhague space, known only by the codename of 'Nineveh'. The Attackers are a company of the ComGuard, a combatforce of unknown size. The Defenders are the Second Phoenix Irregulars, a mixed mercenary force of BattleMechs and tanks. The Attacker's objective is to cross Happy Valley while destroying as many Defending units as possible in the process. The Defender's objective is to prevent the Attackers from meeting their objective. The Defenders set up first and move second. Defender: The Defender may set up his BattleMechs and tanks in passable terrain anywhere south of the xx05 hexrow (inclusive) of the map. (Of course, tanks may not be placed in, nor enter, Elevated or other impassible terrain. Lances may be freely deployed, but all units of a particular Lance must be initially grouped within six hexes of each other. They are not required to stay together or move together once the scenario begins. 2nd Phoenix Irregulars Lance #1 - Command (elements)
Lance #2 - Fire
Lance #4 - Medium Tank (elements)
Attacker: As the Defender sets up, Attacker must secretly record his choice of Special Technology Options. After the Defender has placed his forces, the Attacker's BattleMechs must enter the upper Mapsheet along the north map edge, with all Mechs expending their maximum movement (beginning with the first map hex entered). All Attacking Mechs must enter on turn 1. Com Guard Fire Lance
Com Guard Assault Lance
Victory ConditionsThe scenario ends with the completion of Turn 7. The Defender may retreat some or all of his vehicles off any map edge anytime during the scenario, but vehicles withdrawn in this manner may not return. The Attacker may only exit his Mechs off the south map edge of the lower map, in compliance with his objective. The Attacker receives 2 VP for each destroyed or incapacitated (rendered incapable of movement) Defending Mech, 1 VP for each destroyed or incapacitated Defending tank, and 2 VP for each Attacking Mech exited off the south map edge of the lower map. The Defender receives 12 VP for each destroyed of incapacitated Attacking Mech, and 6 VP for each Attacking Mech (not incapacitated) which is still on the board at the end of Turn 7. Special Rules:At the beginning of every turn, starting with Turn 2, the Defending player must make a dice roll. On a roll of 1 2, there is a sharp, powerful ground tremblor (earthquake) that lasts for the entire duration of that ten-second turn. If no earthquake result occurs during Turns 2-6, there is an automatic earthquake result on Turn 7. (ONLY ONE EARTHQUAKE WILL OCCUR. CEASE ROLLING AFTER ONE RESULT HAS BEEN OBTAINED.) During the earthquake turn, no affected vehicle may conduct normal movement or combat. Every (nonhovering, undestroyed) BattleMech must make a Piloting skill roll with a +3 penalty modifier. If the roll is unsuccessful, the Mech falls, with normal effect. Every undestroyed non-hover tank must also make a die roll:
on a 2, the main weapon jams for one turn on a 3, the engine is destroyed (no more movement) on a 4, the crew is killed on a 5, the turret is locked in position (if no turret, treat as 'crew stunned for two turns') on a 6, a track is 'thrown' or a lift fan disabled (no more movement). Only hovertanks are unaffected and may conduct normal movement and/or combat during this turn. VEHICLES DESTROYED OR INCAPACITATED BY THE EARTHQUAKE DO NOT COUNT FOR VICTORY POINTS! Attacker Strategic Victory: Twice the VP's of the Defender
After completing both scenarios, the results should be combined to determine the winner of the 'campaign'. For example, an Attacker strategic victory added to a Defender tactical victory result in an Attacker tactical victory; an Attacker tactical victory added to a Defender tactical victory result in a draw; and so on. Happy Valley A Pair of Linked BattleTech Scenarios
Dashing Through the Snow: 1230 Hours 6 Feb 3045 BattleTech Scenario Dust to Dust, Ash to Ash: 6 Feb 3045 BattleTech Scenario Back to BattleTechnology 12 Table of Contents Back to BattleTechnology List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 1990 by Pacific Rim Publishing. This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |