Supplied by Keith Raynor
The Magistrates of Nottingham have observed, with extreme concern, the alarming affrays which have lately occurred, between the Inniskillen Soldiers and some of the Inhabitants of this Town.-Complaints of aggression come from both parties ; but no charges having been hitherto substantiated against any Individual of either party, it is not yet known with whom lies the guilt of causing these unhappy disturbances. The Magistrates sincerely lament that any such Tumults should have taken place ; and declare their firm determination to bring to public Justice, such persons as shall be found to have been offensively concerned in these illegal, and disgraceful scenes. The Magistrates have had a conference with the Officers of the Dragoons, in which those Gentlemen concurred in lamenting the late disturbances, and very handsomely expressed themselves resolved to do every thing,in their power, to prevent aggression on the part of the men under their command. The Magistrates do therefore strictly charge both Soldiers and Inhabitants to abstain from all Acts of Provocation, and to avoid every occasion, which can possibly give rise to Animosity and Quarrel. Should the Public Peace be again violated, the Civil Power will take effectual Measures for the immediate Apprehension and Punishment of the Offenders.
Nottingham, MAY 16, 1803. The Dusty Archive
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