III Corps d'Armee, commanded by General de Division Louis-Gabriel Suchet
1er Division (Laval):
Brigade Laval: (Monte Torrero) [11]
44e Ligne (2 Bns) 1069
3e de la Vistule (2 Bns) 887
Brigade Habert:
14e Ligne (3 Bns) 994
2e de la Vistule (2 Bns) 880
2e Division (Musnier):
1er Brigade:
114e Ligne (3 Bns) 1497
1er de la Vistule (2 Bns) 956
2e Brigade:
3e Division (Morlot):(Part)
1er Brigade: (Zaragoza)
121e Ligne (1 Bn) 400
5e Leger (1 Bn) 490
Brigade Robert:(ex Kellermann)
116e Ligne (3 Bns) 1560
117e Ligne (3 Bns) 1560
Detached from V Corps: (Suchet's escort)
Battalion Reuni - 64e Ligne (1 Bn)
plus Cie des Voltigeurs (40e Ligne) 450
Brigade Wathier:
4e Hussards 320
13e Cuirassiers 390
Lanciers de la Vistule 80
Artillery: [12]
Deployed against Blake (2 Bties) 12 guns
Deployed against Areizaga (1 Bty) 6 guns
Army of the Right commanded by Genral Joaquin Blake:
Brigada Vanguardia (Col. Don Juan Creagh de Lacy):
Rto. Almeria V (2 Bns) Nominal strength 2400, raised 1/9/08
1o Cazadores de Valencia VL (1 Bn) Nominal 504, raised 17/5/08 [13]
TOTAL: 2298
1o Division (Mayor Gen. P. Roca):
Rto. Saboya R (3 Bns) Rto. Granadav (1 Bn) Nominal strength 600, raised 21/6/08
Milicia de Avila M (1 Bn)
Tiradores de Carifiena VL (1 Bn) Nominal 700, raised 1/5/09 [14]
1o Tercio de Tortosa V (1 Bn) Nominal 1080, raised 15/5/08
TOTAL: 4888
2o Division (Teniente Gen. Marques de Lazan):
1o Voluntarios de Zaragoza V (1 Bn) Nom. 420, raised 30/12/08 [15]
3o Cazadores de Valencia VL (1 Bn) Nom. 504, raised 15/2/09 [16]
1o de Valencia R (3 Bns)
11 Rto. America R (2 Bns)
TOTAL: 5837
3o Division [17] (Teniente Gen. C. Areizaga): (at Bottorita)
Rto. Fernando VII V (1 Bn) Nominal 500. raised 18/6/08
1o Voluntarios de Aragon V (1 Bn) Nominal 1000, raised 28/5/08 [18]
2o Voluntarios de Aragon V (1 Bn) Nominal 1000, raised 28/5/08 [19]
Vol. de Daroca V (1 Bn) Nominal strength 700, raised 28/5/08
Vol. de Valencia VL (1 Bn) [20]
21 Cazadores de Palafox VL (1 Bn) Nominal 500, raised 13/6/08
Tiradores de Doyle VL (1 Bn) Nominal 300, raised 10/8/08
Tiradores de Murcia VL (1 Bn) Nominal 600, raised 30/5/08 [21]
4 Grenadero companies (drawn from first four of above units)
TOTAL 5842 [22]
Cavalry (Col. J. O'Donnell [23] ):
Rto. Olivenza RD (4 Sqns)
Rto. Santiago RL (1 Sqn)
TOTAL (with Blake):698
Husares Espanoles RH (1 Sqn)
Rto. Santiago RL (1 Sqn)
TOTAL (with Areizaga): 368
Artillery and Train:
With Blake: 3 Baterias [24] 17 guns
Zapadores (3 companias) 309
With Areizaga: 1 Bateria 8 guns
Zapadores (1 compania) 103
Key to codes for Spanish troops:
V=Volunteer/Levy units, formed after 2 May 1808. Light Infantry (Skirmish capability)
R=Regular "pre-war" army infantry regiments
RD= Regular Dragoons
RL =Regular Line Cavalry
RH =Regular Hussars

Battle of Maria 15 June, 1809
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