The Battle of Almansa
Part Three

Allied Order of Battle

by A. V. Exelby


Captain General Das Minas.
General of Cavalry Conde de Villaverde Don Juan Manuel

Guards of Das Minas (1 sq.)
Coy. of General of Cavalry (1 sq.)
Dom Antonio de Noronia (2 sq,)
Campo Mayor (Das Minas) (3 sq-)
Salvera (1 bn-)
De Melo (1 hn.)
Vasconcalos (1 bn,)
Moura (3 sq.)
S. Payo (1 bn.)
De Coule (1 bn.)
Conde Das Galveas (2 sq.)
Algarve (1 sq.)
Dom Amassa (3 sq.)


Lieutenant-General Erle
Major General Shrimpton, Dohna
Carnoro, (1 bn.)
Conde Aveiros (1)
Conde de Glia (1)
Delgodo Fiera (1)
De Castro (1)
Camora (1)

Brigadier General Lislemarais (?)
Belcastel (1) - Hugenot
Keppelfox (1) - Dutch
Vicouse (1) - Hugenot
Torsay (1) - Dutch/French

Brigadier General Macartney
Mordaunt (1) - British
Macartney (1) - British
Gorge (1) - British
Foot Guards (1) - British


General Galway
Lieutenant General Tyrawley

Brigadier General Winterfeldt
Drimborn (2 sq.) - Dutch
Schlippenbach (2 sq.) - dragoons, Dutch
Mattha (2 sq.) - dragoons, Dutch

Mountjoy (1 bn.) - British
Blood (1 bn.) - British

Brigadier General Killigrew
Pearce (2 sq.) - dragoons, British
Peterborough (2 sq.) - dragoons, British
Killigrew (1 sq.) - dragoons, British

Colonel Wade
Wade (1 bn.) - British
Southwell (1 bn.) - British

Brigadier General Carpenter
Guiscard (1 sq.) - dragoons, Hugenot
Essex (1 sq.) - dragoons, British
Queen's Dragoons (Carpenter) (1 sq.) - British
Harveys Horse (2 sq.) - British



General of Cavalry Dom Juan de Alayda
Olivenca (3 sq.)
Carballo (1 bn.)
Azebedo (1 bn.)
De Veira (6 sq.)
Topar (1 bn.)
Lopez (1 bn.)
Lisboa (3 sq.)


Major General Friesheim
Machado (1 bn.)
Henriques (1)
Alvares Galle (1)
Pereira (1)

Welderen (1) - Dutch
Cavalier (1) - Hugenot
Lislemarais (1) - Hugenot

Colonel Breton
Bowles (1) - British
Nassau (1) - Hugenot
Breton (1) - British
Portmore (1) - British


Conde de Atalaya

Colonel Hill
Tra Los Monies (4 sq.)
Hill (1 bn.) - British
Kerr (1 bn.) - British

Do Minho (3 sq.)
Ainutt (1 bn.)
British Steuart (1 bn.)
British Dominche (4 sq.)


BM Loan 29t279 L 73;
Wijn, HET STAATSCHE LEGER, vol. 8 part 2, p. 779, citing J. Py R. de Alaroon, HISTORIA DE ALMANSA (Madrid, 1949).

There are several differences between these two sources, and Kerr's Foot is shown in neither; I have resolved such difficulties by comparing with references to units in battle accounts. A Dutch account which gives a very different version on the Dutch infantry deployment has been ignored. Most of the brigade commanders have been added from descriptions of the battle as they are not shown on the OBs, though these descriptions often contradict each other. Ile formation shown is that prior to the union of the first and second lines of the left.

Note: all units without a nationality marked are Portuguese. All cavalry not otherwise noted are horse-- I do not know Portuguese so have probably failed to correct many peculiar spellings in the sources.

More Battle of Almansa 25th April 1707

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