The Battle of Almansa
Part Three

Uniforms and Bibliography

by A. V. Exelby


Practically everything that is known about uniforms for this period can be found in Charles Stewart Grant's excellent book From Pike to Shot, 1685 to 1720, published by W-R-G. Only the Spanish are poorly covered in this, and for them, James Hinds' booklet The Spanish Army of Philip V published by Editions Brokaw (available through Partizan Press, Athena Books and others) gives all the details known. The Men-at-Arms books on Marlborough's Army 1702-11 and Louis XIV's Army are also useful.


Manuscript Sources (all in British Library)
BM Loan 29/279 no. 72 (Wade's account)
Add. MSS 9116 f- 136 & 145-9 (Drimborn)
Add. MSS 61310 f. 211 (Macartney's account of retreat/surrender)

Published sources and books
An Account of the Earl of Galway's conduct in Spain and Portugal, (London 1711).
Berwick, J. FitzJames, Duke of. Memoires du Marechal de Berwick (Paris 1778) Vol. 1.
Burton, I.F. 'The Secretary at War and the administration of the army during the War of the Spanish Succession'- Unpublished PhD. thesis, University of London, 1960.
Cobbett, W. Cobbett's Parliamentary History of England--- Vol. 6.
A Detection of the Earl of Galway's conduct at Almanza.. (London 1711)
Draper, R.I. 'The Reform of the Spanish Army under Philip V, 1700-1720'. Unpublished thesis (submitted for PhD., awarded MPhil.) University of East Anglia, 1978.
"Hawley" P Sumner, ed. 'The Battle of Almanza: an eyewitness's account by General Hawley' Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 25 (1947), 27-31; & C.T. Atkinson, ed. 'More light on Almansa from the Hawley Papers' in the same place, pp. 144-61.
House, of Lords The Manuscripts of the House of Lords. New series (in continuation of the HMC Reports), vols. 7 & 9
Mahon, P. Stanhope, Lord. The History of the War of the Succession in Spain. 2nd ed. (London, 1836).
Murray, G., ed- The Letters & Dispatches of John Churchill, first Duke of Marlborough. (London 1945) Vol. 3.
Parnell, A. The War of the Succession in Spain during the reign of Queen Anne. (London 1905).
Wijn, J.W., ed. 'Une bataille classiquc duXVIIIe siccle: Almanza 25 Avril 1707' Revue Internationale d'Histoire Militaire, 22 (1960-64), 92-104.

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