
Mercure Hollandois

By G. Carlo Boeri

From the "Mercure Hollandois" (translated from French)

March 1672 His Highness the Prince of Orange has ordered to have his Garde du Corps dressed in blue with coats upon which the Arms and initials of the Prince are to be embroidered on the front and on the back.

July 1672 Siege of Nimeque ... their [=French] best troops [Swiss and English] were dressed with red or blue coats ... their companies were of 40 men only, but those of the Scots that were in Maseyck were composed of 80-90 dressed in red.

August 1672 Siege of Groninguen by the troops of Colonia and Munster: The Dutch regiment of Jorman enters the town; it is composed of 14 companies; the standard of Jorman was white (the Colonel's) and the others green all with very fine inscriptions. The major officers wore green plumes ...

December 1672 The Bishop of Munster has raised a Company of Musketiers of 120 men for his Body Guard ... the King of France has allowed him to raise the men in his Kingdom [in France], has given him a French Officer ... and having the Bishop required the honour of equipping them with the French King's livery, they have been given blue coats similar to those worn by the King's Musketeers.

October 1673 March of the Prince of Orange: ... H.H. with his Body Guard composed of 70 men all dressed with a blue coat with a crown embroidered...

December 1673 Arrival of the Swedish Embassador in Moscow. Parade of the Russian Army: a company of Strelitzer, infantry of 24 regiments and each regiment of 1000 men; cavalry with 8000 men: Hussars with red coats ..., Franconniers with white wings; Gardes du Corps of H.M. dressed in a new fashion, all carrying small flags over their coats, German officers a company of which had 100 men, a company with body armour, 200 cannoniers ...

March 1674 Review of Dutch troops: regiment of foot Guards and horse Guards, all newly dressed with orange sashes bordered with a white fringe around their bodies ....

June 1674

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