
1676 Coronation
of the King of Poland

By G. Carlo Boeri

February 1676 Coronation of the King of Poland in Cracow

... First there came 18 companies of Hayduken and other foot soldiers all dressed in blue, followed by six other companies of the same nation also dressed in blue with blue tapaborts [cloaks?] with red cuffs. Six companies dressed in red and six in green with long red caps. Two companies of Townspeople on foot and two mounted, the first dressed in a Polish fashion and others as Germans. Two companies of mounted Cossaks. Two companies of "Pancerniches Dzidani" that had white and black flags. Two companies of Pancerniches with white and blue standards, two companies of Hussars all with body armours "entre-corps" of leopard and panther skins. Officers of the Polish and German cavalry dressed with costumes richly embroided with gold and silver. It followed the Company of the Guards of the King with leather coats and blue cloaks, all marked J.R.III, these letters sewn with golden thread upon their dresses the same as the coat. There followed 12 companies of dragoons with red cloaks and 2 companies of cavalry dressed in black and many more others.

December 1676 Battle near the river Loder between Danes and Swedes (Lumden). The Danes captured 12 standards of cavalry, six of dragoons and 8 of infantry: of those of the cavalry there were two of the regiment of the Guards with embroideries of gold and of silver representing the name of the King of Sweden; two blue of the Finnish regiment embroided as said above with the initials of the King; one yellow nobly embroided of Col. Drackes; another yellow of a lesser quality of Col. Weling; two green of Col. Mellin; two blue of Col. Gutenberg; one yellow and black d'Aschenberg and finally one of an unknown regiment.

The guidons of the dragoons, one of which was white and black were those of Col. Burghungen.

Of the infantry standards there were two red of Col. Herrenfelt; one yellow and black of the same Colonel; 2 green and white of Col. Oerenclau; one white and blue of Col. Horn and one blue of an unknown regiment.

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