
Army of Elector of Brandenburg

By G. Carlo Boeri

Army of the Elector of Brandeburg


Body Guards of MEN.E.MEN. with the Company of Ragutzi 300
Regiment of Horse Guards 684
Regiment of the P.ce Elector 684
Regiment 2nd P.ce Elector 516
Regiment Gen. Dorsling 600
Regiment P.ce of Anhalt 600
Regiment of Hessen-Homburg 400
Regiment Gen. Maj. Gotske 684
Regiment Gen. Maj. Spaen 600
Regiment Gen. Maj. Ludeck 526
Regiment Col. Moner 684
Regiment of Meckelenbourg 400
Regiment of the duke of Croy 221
Regiment of Franchenberg 600

TOTAL: 7516


    Regiment Col. Dorflinck 720
    Regiment Col. Bomstort 600

    TOTAL: 1320
