Check point Pasta, Mogadishu 1993

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2 Responses

  1. Leonardo Tacconi says:

    The scenario concerned the italian retreat from the ambush along the “Via Imperiale” conducted by Haidid’s militias in Mogadishu,1993.
    Two platoons of paratroopers of Folgore Brigade,some squads of special forces(Col Moschin rgt and Carabinieri of Tuscania Rgt) with the support of a platoon of Armoured Cavalry with CENTAURO received the order of extricate themselves from the well conducted somali ambush.The order established very scrict ROE forbidding the use of heavy wpns or chopters.
    The simulation resulted in an organized retreat with a random arrive of a couple of USMC Cobra helicopters(sorry i used a model of AH 64) that helped very much.But the correct use of special forces abilities was the key of the day.Results:military honour was svedese,ROE respected with very few collateral damage,losses as in the historic fight.But the the italian commander was killed in action in a firefight after his command vehicle was badly damaged by a lucky hit of RPG.Italians 3 KIA ,10 WIA ,2 soft vehicles ,1 CENTAURO and 1 M 113 destroyed .Somali l’ossessione 5 tecnica(armed SUV) and about 50 KIA.

  2. Leonardo Tacconi says:

    military honour was saved not svedese
    Somali losses:5 tecnica……..

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