Karlstädter-Oguliner Grenzers
Here another set of very well painted figures (from Crane Tara/Minden miniatures) found on eBay. Here the details of this unit.
Here another set of very well painted figures (from Crane Tara/Minden miniatures) found on eBay. Here the details of this unit.
I have been very lucky to find 11 very well painted figures on eBay. They are now based as a small battalion of light troops. Here the details of this unit.
Managed to find on US eBay photos of Minifigs Napoleonic models, most of these model photos you do not find on their original catalogue. Catalogues (Napoleonic only) here
In questa pagina descrivo i miei pezzi in 25mm da restaurare o dipingere. I pezzi sono prevalentemente Hinchliffe, Mirliton e Minifigs, da ritoccare, da dipingere o da sverniciare e ridipingere da capo.
Ecco il prossimo reggimento da fare. I pezzi della Reichsarmee li faro’ con le unita’ che ho trovato sulla eBay francese, della Minden. Primo battaglione della Svevia!