Warre Artillery and others
Just found in my lead pile a number of useful figures. I will be able to rapidly prepare:

- one artillery unit (three bases, to be restored)
- one artillery unit (there bases, some artillerymen to be restore, rest to be painted)
- one dragoon unit (mounted and dismounted dragoons to be restored, householders ordered at Bicorne, to be painted)
- I will also carry over the Alps six demi-curassier units, to be restored.
- figures I will take from the lead pile are also:
- Generals, enough to make two CinC (three figures) and other Generals (single figures)
- more mounted and dismounted dragoons
- sergeants with halberds for my filler bases, needed when I use the unit trays
- some mounted cornets and trumpeters, for my existing units who are all missing them.
- 12+12 painted pikemen, to be restored and used together with my TYW musketeers, found unpainted on eBay.
- My three-slot dice carrier and dice, so that I may have one unit status base per unit.
No photos for the moment.