Twice Old Tercios
There is something strange in my efforts to recover old miniatures and build units for my new armies. This time I have chosen the oldest models in my collection of vintage Thirty Years War and ECW figures. They should be Minifigs first series, all dressed with very spanish robes.

So the Old Tercios will be made with Old models which I will fix, repaint.
Each Old Tercio is made of four bases (50×50) of six pikemen each, it has four shooter bases (50×50), each of four models. The unit is completed with four shallow bases (50×25), either of shooters or of sword and shield soldiers and with two shallow command bases.
In total I need to prepare 54 figures per tercio, I plan to make two of them for my Warre armies.
At the moment I have prepared one set of bases which may be used as a standard (Dutch) regiment, an Imperial Regiment or two European battalions, photos follow with the three arrangement:

I approve your use of the old prints to get a feel for how the Tercios looked and to create multi base blocks for both pikes and muskets – and some sword and shield bearers for the Spanish. I am just about to start on some Spanish Tercios. What scale are you using? I have 10mm figures, some from Minifigs but most are Newline and Pendraken.
Hello Kim,
I am using old 25mm Minifigs for this project. As you may have seen in my blog, some cavalry units are already out.
Thirty Years War Kurassiers
The Warre has begun
My first infantry units is taking shape now, I will post it as soon as it is ready.