Project: Vintage 30 Years’ War
This project, thought one year ago, is now starting up. I have collected a number of Minifigs and Hinchliffe figures, which need quite some restoration. I also have gathered a good number of unpainted figures.
Minifigs catalogue with TYW and ECW pages and photos:
My plan is to build one Protestant and one Catholic Army, roughly based on what Charles Grant described in the Wargamers’ Annual of 2009.
A good set of rules that my friend Maurizio made me try is Warre.

First stage would be to prepare two small armies which may be already used for a small game, in Bold red (clickable link) what I have done so far:

- Protestant Army
- One General (one figure on 50mm round base)
- 4 infantry regiments (total of 8 pike bases, 16 shot bases, four command bases)
- 1 regiment
- 2 regiments
- 1 regiment
- 2 cavalry (harquebusiers or demi-curassiers) regiments (total of 6-8 Horse bases)
- 1 dragoons unit (total of 4 horse bases, 1 dismounted dragoon base, hopefully 1 Horse Holder Dragoon base)
- 1 battalion gun (1 50×50 base, two figures)
- Imperial Army
- One General (one figure on 50mm round base)
- 4 Imperial Regiments (total of 4 pike bases, 8 normal size shot bases, 4 small size shot or swordsmen bases, 4 command bases).
- 2 Cuirassier regiments (total of 8 Horse bases)
- 1 light cavalry unit (Croats?) (total of 4 Light Horse figures on 25mm pill-shape single figure bases)
Basing will be as described here.
Le aste delle bandiere: 6 cm per la fanteria e 4 cm per la cavalleria.
Cavalry lance flagpoles may be found here.
Second stage, as foreseen by Charles Grant is the following:
- Protestant Army
- 1 CinC
- 4 commanders
- 8 infantry regiments
- 1 regiment;
- 2 regiments.
- 3 regiments (need to find photos).
- 2 regiments.
- 4 battalion guns
- 9 cavalry regiments
- 4 commanded shots
- 2 commanded shots
- 2 commander shots
- 1 dragoon unit
- 2 gun batteries
- Imperial Army
- 1 CinC
- 4 commanders
- 8 Imperial regiments.
- 4 Imperial regiments
- 4 Imperial Regiments
- 3 Cuirassier regiments
- 2 regiments
- 1 regiment
- 8 other cavalry units
- 1 light cavalry unit (Croats)
- 4 commanded shots
- 2 gun batteries
- One battery
- One battery
This is a good project for 2024!
On the right a colour choice for painting 30 Years War figures by AK.