Bloody Bocage
We just played the second scenario from the “White Star” supplement for Spearhead. Quite fun!
The scenario
The scenario takes place in Normandy, the day right after D-Day. Two British infantry regiments start to advance in the bocage.
This part of the from is defended by two Panzergrenadier and a Tank battalion on PzIV.
The British are supported by a 60 per artillery battery and by two flights of Jabos.
The British have 12 turns to occupy the German half of the table with at least a company of troops.
The battle
The Panzergrenadier battalion on the right has the order to take the high hill The Panzergrenadier battalion on the left has to defend a heavily bocage zone They are veterans Two British infantry battalions advance on the left and on the right of the battle line The tank regiment is in the center, heading towards some undefended low hills The tank regiment is very prompt to take advantage of the hill. One Pak40 battery waits in ambush the 88mm FLAK is positioned on the top of the high hill, but the British infantry is very fast and the only target is an engineer platoon on halftrack, which is caught in ambush and destroyed. The British tanks fire on the Panzer Battalion, which had received orders to engage the enemy tanks and create a hole in the middle of the battle line. The advancing Panzer Battalion is caught in the open by an air attack, but the attached 20mm Quad battery manages to bring down the aircrafts on their second attack run. A vicious combat ensues on the left. The British try to flank the Panzergrenadiers, but the Germans have fought already many battles. They hold the line.
The Panzer battalion takes so many losses that it routs, with two out of three PxIV companies lost. At this point the British tanks are free to support the infantry attack on what remains of the two Panzergrenadier battalions. The one of the right is extremely battered since it did not manage to keep the hill. The only company in such an advances position is overwhelmed by the four companies of the Staffordshire Yeomanry Regiment.