Spearhead WW2 mini-campaign, part 3 of 3
On to La Houssiere and St. Die’
Tue US 7th Army was 75 km from the Westwall. American
lines bad been consolidated by tbe end of October, but losses
bad been beavy on both sides. Generai Dahlquist was an eager
and aggressive commander. He ordered the area west of La
Houssière and St. Dié cleared of enemy troops forthwith.
Exhausted and depleted, the 36th Infantry Division now bad
new nightmares to contend with when, in the early moming hours of November 2, the Germans choose to put in a counter-attack.

Orders of Battle
Regardless of who won the previous scenario, use all stands
not KIA and the following:
36th Infantry Division
US starts anywbere on the western 20″ of Boards 1 including/or 3.
Use the following:
257th Volksgrenadier Division
21 st Panzer Division
The Germans enter from the eastern table edge and/or the road
at the southem edge of Board 9 (all enter on the road in column).
Special Rules
The first 6 tums occur in tbe early pre-dawn bours. Visibility
is reduced by 9″ for tums 1-3, by 6″ for tums 4-5 and by 3″
for turn 6 (1″ minimum). During these tums the US does not qualify for
Ambush Fire and may not move until the Germans have been
Advanced rules for American Artillery (SH p. 30) are in
effect. The US may Cross-Attach (SH p. 29).
Hedges are light, the ground inside is rough.
US wins by controlling the road exiting tbe eastem edge of
Board 7 by the end of Turo 18. ControI means no enemy pla-
toons within 3″ of the road along its length on Board 7. Tue
US also can win by exiting two battalions of any size off tbe
eastem table edge. The Germans win by preventing the US
victory conditions.
Campaign Victory
10 points for achieving tbe scenario ve.
1 point for each surviving platoon on the table at the end of the game.
The overall Campaign victor is the player with the most accumulated Campaign Victory Points after all three scenarios
bave been played.