Battle of the Bridges, Kuwait 1991
Scenario related information here. This game is being played using Modern Spearhead rules. A Unit Sheet has been prepared for the Kuwaitis, while the standard Sheet has been used for iraqis.
Both armies troops are third world regulars, very difficult to handle! A number of house rules are used to cope with the many limitations a third world army has in addition to what is presented in the rules. During the second part of the game, where heavy combat took place, we have adopted house rules from Magegames (Yahoo group), regarding combat charts (D6) and Forced order change.
Our Home Rules used during this game:
- Ground units disperse under air attack (not used, it has been superseded by Magegames Forced Order change rule, under air attacks).
- Reconnaissance units targets. This rule is always used, for all scenario types.
- Third world armies Compulsory Frontal attack. This rule is forcing players to make frontal attacks, without any smart manoeuvres.
- Third world armies Poor tactics on attacks along roads. This rule forced Iraqi troops to occupy the city entering in march order, as happened in the real battle.
- Third world armies Poor recce. This rule is limiting recce, as it happened to the Iraqi troops that stumbled into Kuwaiti troops without having time to react and adopt a better attack stance. At the beginning at least.
- Third world armies Poor maintenance 70% available. This rule was applied throwing dice for all units entering the table. Quite fun for the enemy players ! It could be done by the umpire before game starts.
- Third world armies Poor Ground Attacks (not used, it is superseded by Magegames Combat Chart, Iraqi and Kuwaiti are considered trained troops when firing in combat).
- Third world armies Poor Tactical Proficiency (not used, it is superseded by Magegames Combat Chart, Iraqi and Kuwaiti are considered trained troops as targets in combat).
Photos of the first part of the battle

The battlefield cover part of Kuwait, between Mutla Ridge and the outskirts of Jahra.Terrain is mainly low sloping ground from the ridge down to Jahra. In terms of game play, it is considered all flat, apart from the ridge itself. Observation from the ridge gives +15″ visibility (about 50 m height).The game starts with Iraqi forces entering the table from the easternmost highway leading to Jahra (and kuwait City). A recon battalion from Hammurabi Division enters in turn 1 (6 am).
The only kuwaiti defenders on table are a recce company, defending the outskirts of Jahra. A mechanised brigade has started mobilising only during last 16 hours, only about one company per battalion are ready. The commander ends to decide whether to wait for additional companies to be prepared for battle or go to battle immediately with only one third of the battalions’ combat strength.Recce troops have orders to move along the highway, then the ring road. The battalion moves without hindrance and goes past the first highway bridge, then moves along the ring road.

At about 6:45 am a mechanised battalion of the Hammurabi division descends the Mutla Ridge.

The recce company in jar is able to call for fire against the Iraqi recce. One Artillery self-propelled battalion is available and ready to fire.In the meantime, the Kuwaiti mechanised brigade commander has decided to engage the enemy only after most of the companies are ready and replenished with ammo.There is an impassable terrain over the battlefield, the main Jahra cemetery sitting in the middle of the desert.

Artillery shells start to fall on top of the BRDM2s of the iraqi recce battalion.

One platoon goes up in flames, wrecks obstructing the ring road.

In the meanwhile the mechanised troops head for Jahra.

BTRs enter the road directed to the outskirts of the city.
The recce platoon goes along the road leading to Jahra from the west, from where the Medina Aroured Divison will come to occupy Kuwait city.
The recce movement to west is a good move, since the BRDM at the head of the column is able to spot first some dust in the distance, then a whole Kuwaiti mechanised battalion moving towards the cemetery, heading directly to Jahra.

The Kuwaiti battalion is a mechanised battalion, reinforced with a company of Chieftains from the brigade tank regiment.
The mechanised battalion is in these months in a transition, from old M113 to BMP2s. Both vehicles are being used as combat vehicles in the brigade being committed for battle.Kuwaiti orders foresee a movement of the three battalions to reach an west-est defence line at about the cemetery complex.
In between the Kuwaitis and the cemetery complex, the long column of recce vehicles receive hasty orders towhead north, away from the kuwaiti lions advance, towards the Mutla Ridge.

In the meantime the rest of the Iraqis, two mechanised battalions, one tank battalion and brigade support are either starting to occupy Jahra or in marching order on the main highway to Jahra.

A burning wreck of a BRDM at some distance, on the Ring Road.

The iraqi enter the city and are briefly in contact with a recce platoon who immediately breaks contact.

One mechanised battalion heads towards the western quarters of Jahra.

Here the advance of the three Kuwaiti battalions can be appreciated by the fleeing iraqi Recce.

The distance to be covered to read the defence line is about 4km away. The Kuwaiti brigade commander intends to use this first defence line to spring an attack to the Mutla Pass, towards the highway.

A close view of the Kuwaiti battalion, with logistic columns on the rear.

The Iraqi brigade commander, from the Hammurabi division manages to prompt new orders to his tank battalion. The tanks swerve right into the desert and head towards the Kuwaiti menace. They are about 8km away from their enemies. This is the situation at 9:30 am.
Company and platoon columns enter the city of Jahra, to “liberate their countrymen”.
Each Kuwaiti mechanised battalion has an attachment of a Chieftain company.

This is the situation of the first part of our game. Non much has happened in terms of combat, but a very interesting situation is at hand. We have tested how difficult is to change orders in a third world country army. The home rules of “bad maintenance”, “line of attack along road axis” have restricted the iraqi advance, limited them to move along roads, bringing less than their full allowance of vehicles per battalion.We found quite some fun of playing the initial part of a battle, where recce is playing a big role and initial orders are gradually changed, with great difficulties, to try to meet unexpected menaces.
First part of the battle ends at 9:30 AM, it lasted for three and a half hours of game time.

Next game in 10 days.
I really enjoyed your game report. Thanks for posting it.