Cold War Bundeswehr 1/300

Ridipinti ed imbasettati pezzi in 1/300 di varie marche.
Pezzi imbasettati
Sono tutti nello schema NATO a parte gli M48, gli ACAV e M60 gettaponte.
- 2 FAO Iltis 4×4
- 5 Marder 1
- 6 Marder 1A3
- 1 Mortar Locator
- 6 Heavy Trucks
- 6 M113
- 3 M106 ?
- 4 Lynx recce
- 10 M48A5
- 8 Leopard 1A5
- 2 LARS
- 6 Milan support
- 3 HMG support
- 2 AA 20mm
- 4 M109
- 10 Leopard 2
- 1 HQ M577 + M113 + Iltis 4×4
- 2 comandi M577
- 4 truck
- 2 M110
- 1 ARV recovery
- 1 Bo105 Helicopter
- 2 Gepard
- 4 ATGW Jaguar I (Hot).
Altri pezzi NATO
- 5 M113 ACAV
- 1 M60 gettaponte
Cold War Commander new stats
Wiesel 20mm: Support Unit M=30 A=2/80 H=3 S=6 L=4 c1994+
Wiesel TOW2BA SPAT Unit: M=30 A= 7/150 H=3 S=6 L=8 c1994+ Wiesel Ocelet Stinger SPAA Air Defence Unit M=30 A=6/100 against aircraft, A=1/20* versus soft, H=3 S=6 L =5 June 2001+
Tornado A= 8 H=4 S=4 for 1980s-1990s (with CBU or ASM options)
The West German and Post Cold War German Army (Bundeswehr)
The German army was officially reformed in 1956, but was not fully reorganized until the early 1960âs, although combat troops could have been fielded earlier. Initially the army had almost entirely American equipment and doctrine, but cross-attachment is carried out on a permanent basis by adding a mobilization battalion within the brigade, this adds the differing company type to each panzer or panzer grenadier battalion. Some older equipment survives in the territorial forces, and these plus some of the Jaeger units are committed to homeland defense not NATO command.
German Panzer or Panzer Grenadier Brigade Headquarters 1964 to 1982 (May command 3 Battalions)
- HQ 1 HQ
- Recce Company 3 Spz11, 3 Recce or 3 Luchs (From 1975)
- Brigade Anti Tank Company 3 JPz Rak (Pz Bde) or 2 JPz Kan, 2 JPz Rak (Pz Gren Bde)
- Brigade Engineer Company 2 M113, 2 Engr, 2 AVLB
- Brigade Anti-aircraft Coy 2 Gerpard, 1 Roland
Note Earlier units could replace M113 with trucks for the commander and engineers, and Spz123 the Headquarters infantry platoon.
German Griebs or Luftlander Brigade Headquarters 1964 to 1997 (May command 3 Battalions)
- HQ 1 HQ
- Recce Company 3 Jeep/MG or 3 UH1, 3 Rifle
- 2 Brigade Anti Tank Company 4 JPz Kan (Griebs Brigade)
- 1 Brigade Anti Tank Company 2 JPz Rak (Griebs Brigade)
- 3 Anti Tank Companies 12 Cobra Or Milan (1975), 6 UH1 (Luftlande Brigade)
- Brigade Engineer Company 3 Truck, 3 Engr
- Brigade Anti-aircraft Coy
Note Luftlande brigade replaces any vehicle not noted with UH1. Light Heimatschutz Kommando brigades replace the anti-tank companies with a M48 panzer company, and delete the Recce Company. One of its infantry battalions may be in M113.
German Panzer Battalion 1964 to 1982
- HQ 1 HQ
- 2 Tank Companies each 1 Leopard 1 or M48A2G2
- 1 Grenadier Company 3 Spz123 or M113 or Marder1, 3 Rifle
Note This represents the war organization within a Panzer Brigade. Dates for tanks are as follows; only one type may be used:
- M48A2 G to 1980
- Leopard 1 from 1965
- Leopard 1 A1 from 1971
- Leopard 1 A3 from 1975
- M48 A2G2 from 1979
- Marder APC from 1975
German Panzer Grenadier Battalion 1964 to 1982
- HQ 1 HQ
- 2 Grenadier Companies each 3 Spz123 or M113 or Marder1, 3 Rifle
- 1 Tank Company 3 M48A2G2 or 1 Leopard1
- 1 Battery 2 M113/120M
Note Dates for equipment are as for the Panzer battalion.
German Jaeger, Griebs or Luftlander Battalion 1964 to 1982
- HQ 1 HQ
- 3 Jaeger Companies each 3 Truck or UH1, 3 Rifle
- 1 Mortar Company 2 Truck or CH53, 2 120M
Note Mountain units use motor transport, Luftlande the Helicopters. Jaeger battalions may have one company in M113 as in Pz Gren Battalion.
German Divisional Recce Battalion 1964 to 1975
HQ 1 HQ, 1 Engr, 1 Truck
2 Recce Companies each 4 Spz 222, 4 Recce
1 Platoon 1 M41 or Leopard 1 (for dates on Leopard see Pz Battalion)
1 Support Company 2 M48 or Leopard 1, 1 Spz 222, 1 Rifle
Note This unit may be reinforced with one panzer company and one panzer grenadier company. M41âs may not be used with Leopards in the support company.
German Brigade Artillery Battalion 1964 to 1982
- 3 Batteries each 1 FAO, 2 M109G or 2 Truck and 2 105H or 155H or 120M
Note Individual batteries may be attached to Battalions. M109 is used for Panzer, Panzer Grenadier, and Recce. The towed 105mm are for Mountain or Jaeger Brigades. The Mortars are for Luftlande Brigades. There is also Corps level towed units, of both 105mm and 155mm weapons. Divisions have one Heavy Battalion with one Battery of two M110 and two of two M107, plus a rocket battalion of two Batteries of two LARS, rest as above.
German Panzer, Panzer Grenadier Brigade Headquarters 1983 to 2000
- HQ 1 HQ
- Recce Company 3 Luchs
- Anti Tank Company 3 JPz Rak
- Engineer Company 1 Fuchs, 1 Engr, 1 AEV, 1 AVLB
- Anti Aircraft Company 2 Gepard, 2 Roland
- Attack Helicopter Flight 1 Bo105M, 2 Bo105P (attached from Corps)
Note Commands 2 Panzer, and 1 Panzer Grenadier or 2 Panzer Grenadier and 1 Panzer Battalion. It has 1 Artillery Battalion under command.
German Panzer Battalion 1983 to 2000
- HQ 1 HQ
- 3 Tank Companies each 3 Leopard I or Leopard II
- 1 Grenadier Company 3 Marder, 3 Rifle, 1 Milan
Note Only 1 type of tank may be used. Dates are as follows:
- Leopard 1A2 to 1994
- Leopard 1A3 from 1982
- Leopard 1 A1A to 1986
- Leopard 1A5 from 1989
- Leopard II from 1982
- Leopard II B8 from 1995
Until 1996 Heimatschutz kommando may use M48A2G2. Add a fourth company in 2000.
German Panzer Grenadier Battalion 1983 to 2000
- HQ 1 HQ
- 3 Grenadier Companies each 3 Marder, 3 Rifle, 1 Milan
- 1 Tank Company As in Panzer Battalion
- 1 Mortar Battery 2 M113/120
- Note Until 1987 reserve formations can use Spz 123 in place of marder. Add a fourth company in 2000.
German Luftlande Battalion 1975 to 1997
- HQ 1 HQ
- 2 Jaeger Companies each 4 UH1, 3 Rifle, 1 Milan, 1 Wiesel/TOW
- 2 Anti Tank Companies each 3 UH1, 1 Wiesel/TOW, 2 Wiesel/20
Note Wiesel was introduced from 1984 before that use Kraka. A fourth battalion has three Jaeger companies only.
German Divisional Recce Battalion 1975 to 1997
- HQ 1 HQ, 1 Engr, 1 Truck,
- 2 Recce Companies each 5 Luchs, 1 Leopard 1 or Leopard II
- 1 Support Company 2 Leopard 1 or Leopard II
- 1 Mortar Battery 2 M113/120
Note For dates on tanks see the Panzer Battalion; only one type of tank may be used in the Reconnaissance and Support companies. 1 Panzer and 1 Panzer Grenadier Company may be attached. Similarly a Flight of Attack helicopters may be added.
German Brigade Artillery Battalion 1982 to 2000
- 3 Batteries each 1 FAO, 3 M109G or 3 Trucks and 3 155H or 105H
Note Regular armored units use M109G (the Panzer Artillery 2000 system is being introduced). Units equipped with Pz Artillery 2000 will have only two batteries. Similarly the towed 155H are for Territorial and mountain units. The Luftlande units now have a Mortar battalion, with 3 batteries of 2 120M. Its âvehiclesâ are the army helicopters. Divisional and Corps level units have two structures:
Three towed batteries with 155H and one Self-Propelled Battery of M110
Or Rocket battalion of two batteries of two LARS, two batteries of MLRS
Large Units
- Panzer Division â 2 Panzer Brigades, 1 Panzer Grenadier Brigade, 1 Artillery Regiment, 1 Reconnaissance Battalion, 1 Engineer Brigade
- Panzer Grenadier Division â 1 Panzer Brigade, 2 Panzer Grenadier Brigades, 1 Artillery Regiment, 1 Reconnaissance Battalion, 1 Engineer Brigade
- Mountain Division â 3 Mountain Brigades, 1 Artillery Regiment, 1 Reconnaissance Battalion, 1 Engineer Brigade
- Luftlande Brigade â 3 Infantry Battalions, 1 Attack Helicopter Battalion