Treasures from the silk road, the armies
The french archeologists
Three cars full of french and american archeologists and mongol bodyguards.
- Car
- Car
- Truck
- Improvised armoured car with LMG, may fire forward arc only.
- One unit of four archeologists, one rifle, two pistols, one chinese with MOST PRECIOUS treasure.
- The mongol bodyguard of 10 men
- Hero archeologist.
- Deliver treasure to chinese smugglers or Indiana.
The pirates
The chinese pirates on two junks.
- Junk
- Junk
- One seven men unit of pirates
- One five-men+leader unit of pirates
- The pirate Hero
- One explosive Sanpan. Decide number of moves before explosion, then 1=-2 moves 2=-1 move 3,4= explodes when decided, 5=+1 move 6=+2 moves. Like off-table artillery shell. Can move with river current. (uauauaua!)
- Get the treasure (and keep it).
The germans
Baron Von Le Coque, with submarine and marines, coming along the river.
- The U-boat, with field gun. May have been submerged some time before in a deep place along river. May emerge first turn or arrive emerged from ocean side of the river.
- one marine unit of eight men
- one marine unit of eight men + leader
- The flagbearer, must be assigned first turn to one unit.
- Himself the Hero archeologist and friend
- Disembark and kill the hated french and americans, treasure is not important, only I will excavate in China from now on!
The american Hero archeologist
The american hero, Indiana, arriving by plane with british friend.
- The plane + pilot
- Himself the American Hero (Indy)
- The Most Secret Special Airland Service squad of six men +leader (first parachutable unit in history, this information on early parachutes is still Top Secret!).
- PARACHUTABLE (early parachute). Player decides point of landing, then scatter like off-table artillery X 2. One throw per figure, not per unit.
- Get the treasure and run!
The sino-japanese warlord
The chinese warlord.
- Hero warlord and mortar expert (+1) when directing mortar fire). Mortar expert may direct fire from 6″ away from mortart or via telephone line. adds +1 when firing.
- light tank with MG
- Mortar
- One 8 men infantry units + leader
- One 5-men SMG unit
- flagbearer, must be assigned first turn to one unit.
- trumpeter, must be assigned first turn to one unit.
- Get rid of most foreign devils.
The warlord
The chinese warlord, japanese spy.
- Field Gun. 4 men crew
- HMG unit, 5 men unit
- Infantry unit of 8 men + leader
- One 5 men SMG unit
- One 6 men cavalry unit
- Flagbearer, must be assigned first turn to one unit.
- Trumpeter, must be assigned first turn to one unit.
- Warlord Hero and bodyguard (two-gun devil)
- Clean the river, need waterway to smuggle weapons and soldiers from Japan.