Treasures from the Silk Road
Back of Beyond battle using Triumph and Tragedy rules and 28mm figures from Copplestone.
The Story

A french-american expedition from the Sin Kiang deserts has hired chinese smugglers to bring a recent excavated treasure to Europe.

The chinese authorities have been informed of their intentions and have decided to stop them with artillery!
The table contains a river shore running along a long edge (south edge), with some buildings and river docks.

The chinese troops are on the table and have to catch the archeologists coming by cars and trucks from the north edge.

The chinese smugglers are coming from the river on two junks.

Someone else may come to “save the day”.
The Heroes
Who will be present in the struggle?

Paul Pelliot. Archeologist.

Albert Von Le Coque and his equipe. Archeologist

Yoshiko Kawashima, chinese w arlord and chinese spy.

Ma Zhongying chinese warlord.

Roy Chapman Lewis. Archeologist.