Battle of Guadalete, 711 DC
Battle fought using Hail Caesar rules.

Battle fought between visigoths and Berbers for the control of the Iberian Peninsula.
Battle report
The only arabs in the Muslim army is the Heavy horse troops under ṬÄriq ibn Ziyad.

The visigoth hordes approach the river.

The Muslim army is one-half in numbers but they are fanatical, stubborn troops.

They hold a line of hills behind the river, they have built an early zariba in front of them with thorn bushes.

The last ranks of the visigoth watch the berber line on the hills.

The nobles lead the way to the river.

Berber foot are spear and bow infantry.

The visigoth army is impressive, but the berber know they have not fought for two hundred years, they are essentially a home defense militia army.

The visigoth generals and the referee.

Berber light cavalry swing on the wings and attack with javelins the heavy goth cavalry.

The center slowly reaches the river, while the battle develops on the wings.

Some goth cavalry troops retire after being centered by storms of javelins.

On the right the situation is better for the Goth, they manage to cross safely the river, but they have to cope with the Arab horse guard ready to charge.

The berber left wing is sealed, everybody waits for the clash in the center.

The goth cavalry crosses the zariba under a heavy archer pounding.

The fight is very heavy, even between the berber infantry and the Vissigoth horse, but they will pay a heavy price being fatigued by the enemy archery while crossing difficult terrain..

The goth infantry is approaching, but they will not dare to continue the fight, the cavalry starts to retire. Battle will likely rage for some more time, but the heavy losses of the Visigoth cavalry on the wings frees the Berber light cavalry. They will manage to attack the goth infantry on flanks and rear.

fine pictures and very good battle chronicle.
Allah al-Akbar