The Picket Line
Review by Paul R. Price
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This is a new product on the wargaming market. I would best describe it as a video magazine for wargamers. This issue contained:
I have to give this product points for being a first, since no other wargame video magazine exists. However, like most first issues of amateur productions, it has its flaws. The interviews, editing, and cinematography were below contemporary professional standards. On the bright side, they have room for improvement. I have little doubt that they will improve as they learn from their mistakes (as we do with The Zouave). [What mistakes?! - Editors.] Further, I understand that Bob Jones, author of Rebel Yell, is now involved with Wargamer's Video Network. Bob Jones' experience in the radio and television industry should speed up the learning process. I look forward to their future issues, especially as I understand they taped an interview with our editor, David Reynolds, at Cold Wars. Wargamer's Video Network is available from John Gleason, 1505 Kennedy, York, Nebraska, 68467, (402) 362-6454. It sells for $10.00 an issue, or $51.00 for a one-year (six issue) subscription. More Picket Line Reviews
War in Miniature Rules The Vicksburg Campaign (book) Wargamers Video Network Circa 1863 Rules The Civil War Notebook (book) Back to The Zouave Vol VIII No. 4 Table of Contents Back to The Zouave List of Issues Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 1994 The American Civil War Society This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |