An Outdoor ACW Wargame

Orders of Battle and Map

by G. J. Morris


Major-General Fitz John Porter
Commanding Right Wing Army of the Potomac

H.Q. Guard. Major A Pleasonton: 2 coys of 2nd N.Y. cavalry.

First Division. Brig. General G.W.Morell

    Brig. Gen. Martindale: 1st Brigade: 22nd Mass., 1st Mich., 13th N.Y.
    Brig. Gen. Griffin: 2nd Brigade: 9th Mass., 4th Mich.
    Capt. W.B. Weedon: Artillery: 3rd Mass Battery (2 guns), 5th Mass Battery (2 guns).

    Total First Division: 718 officers and men.

Second Division. Brig. General George Sykes

    Col. Robert C. Buchanan: 1st Bri.gade: 3rd U.S. (Regulars), 4th U.S. (Regulars), 12th U.S. (Regulars)
    Col. W. Chapman: 2nd Brigade: 2nd U.S. (Regulars), 6th U.S. (Regulars), 10th U.S. (Regulars).
    Captain S.H.Weed: Artillery: Battery L & M 3rd U.S. artillery (4 guns), battery I 5th U.S. Artillery (2 guns).

    Total Second Division: 862 officers and men.

Third Division. Brig. General A. McCall

    Brig. General Reynolds: 1st Brigade: 1st P.A., 2nd P.A., 5th P.A.
    Brig. Gen.Meade: 2nd Brigade: 3rd P.A., 4th P.A., 11th P.A.
    Capt.. H.Easton: Artillery: A Battery 1st P.A., artillery (2 guns). B & G Battery 1st P.A. artillery (4 guns).

    Total Third Division: 942 officers and men.

Fourth Division. Brig. Gen. Slocum (6th game-move)

    Brig. Gen. G.Taylor: 1st Brigade: 1st N.J., 2nd N.J., 3rd N..J.
    Col. J. Bartlett: 2nd Brigade: 5th Mee, 16th N.Y.
    Capt. E. R. Platt: Artillery: One horse battery 1st N.Y. artillery (4 guns).

    Total Fourth Division: 678 officers and men.

Artillery Reserve Col. H.J. Hunt

    1 Horse battery 2nd U.S. Artillery (4 guns).
    1st Battalion N.Y. Artillery (4 guns
    D Battery 1st N.Y, Artillery (4 guns
    Livingston's Battery 3rd U.S. Artillery (2 guns).


    Infantry: 3,060 Officers and men.
    Cavalry: 48 Officers and men.
    Artillery: 228 Officers and men.
    Gen: Staff etc.: 75 Officers (of which there were 29 A.D.Cs).
    Wagon Train 40 (14 wagons)
    3,451 men (34 guns).

General R.E. Lee
Commanding Army of Northern Virginia

H.Q. Guard. 2nd Va Cavalry. Col. I. Munford.

Whiting's Division

    Brig. Gen.J.B.Hoad: 1st Brigade: 18th G.A., 1st Tex.
    Col. E. McLaw: 2nd Brigade: 4th Ala., 2nd Miss.
    Capt. W. Balthis: Artillery: N.C.Battery (2 guns), 1st Va. Battery (2 guns).

    Total Whiting's Division: 628 officers and men.

Ewell's Division

    Brig. Gen. A. Elzey: 4th Brigade: 12th G.A., 13th G.A.
    Brig. Gen. Trimble: 7th Brigade: 15th Ala., 21st G.A.
    Brig. Gen.Taylor: 8th Brigade: 6th La., 7th La.
    Capt. Carrington: Artillery: (Charlottesville Artillery) Va Battery (2 guns), Balto Battery (2 guns)

    Total Ewell's Division: 928 officers and men.

D.H. Hill's Division

    Brig. Gen. Rodes: 1st Brigade: 3rd Ala., 5th Ala.
    Brig. Gen. Anderson: 2nd Brigade: 2nd N.C., 5th N.C.
    Capt. Nelson: Artillery: V A.Artillery (Hanover Battery) (2 guns).
    Total D.H.Hill's Division - 614 officers and men.

Jone's Division

    Brig. Gen. R.Toombs: 1st Brigade: 2nd Ga., 15th Ga.
    Col. G. T. Anderson: 3rd Brigade: 1st Ga., 7th Ga.
    Capt. Del. Kempes: Artillery: Va Battery (Alexandria Artillery) (2 guns)

    Total Jones Division: 664 officers and men.

Longstreet's Division

    Brig. Gen. Kemper: 1st Brigade: 1st Va., 7th Va., 11th Va.
    Brig.Gen.G.Pickett: 3rd Brigade: 8th Va., 18th Va.
    Capt. W.H. Chapman: Artillery: Va artillery (Dixie Artillery) (2 guns), Lynchburg artillery (2 guns).

    Total Longstreet's Division: 828 officers and men.

A.P. Hill's Division

    Brig. Gen. Field: 1st Brigade: 40th Va., 47th Va.
    Brig. Gen. Gregg: 2nd Brigade: 1st S.C., 12th S.C.
    Lieut. Lewis Coleman: Artillery: S.C. Battery (Pee, Dee Artillery) (2 guns), Masters battery (2 guns)

    Total A.P. Hill's Division: 678 officers and men

Reserve Artillery Brig. Gen. W.N. Pendleton

    First Va Artillery (2 guns)
    Williamsburg Artillery (2 guns)
    Richmond Fayette Artillery (2 guns)


    Infantry: 4,200 officers and men
    Cavalry: 80 officers and men
    Artillery: 182 officers and men
    Gen. Staff etc - 91 officers (of which 34 were A.D.C's).
    Wagon train - 45 men (17 wagons)

    4,598 (26 guns)


An Outdoor ACW Wargame Gaines Mill

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