by H. Bodenstedt
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OBJECTIVETHE FRENCH have orders to hold their fortified positions on the line RONCOURT - AMANVILLERS. At the 10th turn they receive orders to withdraw into the FORTRESS METZ. They, therefore, must try to hold their line, with the least casualties possible, until the 9th turn, at the same time preventing the Prussians from outflanking them, so that an unhindered retreat to Metz via D 1 is assured. THE PRUSSIANS must either push the French out of their positions quickly or attempt a breakthrough to block the French retreat towards METZ. ORDER OF BATTLE
24 Troops of Infantry in the towns. It is up to the French player how these are distributed, except that each town must have a minimum garrison of 4 troops. 3Artillery Pieces (4 pdr or Mitrailleuse) with gun crews in the towns. Distribution entirely at the French player's option. 10 Troops of Cavalry and 2 limbered Artillery Pieces: Anywhere on the board from Row 1-10 incl., but not in towns. Hidden Units: The French may conceal their Infantry and Artillery units, which are set up in the towns. Miniature playing cards are substituted for the actual units and placed - face down - in the appropriate sectors. (See chart for symbols). To mislead the Prussian player, as to which towns are heavily defended, an additional 16 playing cards which are "duds" may be used. After the original setup, cards may be moved one sector within the town. Cards must be replaced permanently with the actual unit if:
2) The sector is meleed by the Prussians. 3) They step out of the town. (Units arriving in a town cannot be hidden). "Duds" are removed from the board when discovered. If the Prussians melee a sector exclusively occupied by Duds, they may advance into that sector at battle time, but may not attack from there in the same turn. The Prussians may fire into sectors containing conceal ed units. This does not discover them, and hits are simply accumulated against that sector (place a die or tag). As soon as sufficient hits to wipe out a unit are scored, the card representing that unit must be removed. This card must be shown to the referee or opponent. The first card moving out of a sector which has received hits, must carry the hits with it. This card cannot be a Dud. In case of mixed occupancy by concealed gunners and infantry, the INFANTRY must absorb all personnel hits. (This rule does not apply against units in the open). PRUSSIAN Set up: 24 PDR. Siege gun and crew (in emplacement):
3 or 4 : G-L incl. 5 or 6 : M-R incl. Die # 2:
2 Row 17 3 Row 16 4 Row 15 5 Row 14 6 Row 13 NOTE: The siege gun cannot be placed in woods or on hills. Prussian Troops must have undisputed control of the sector in which the siege gun is to be placed. All remaining PRUSSIAN units are placed anywhere on Rows 17 and 18 across the A-R files on the board. CONDITIONS FOR VICTORY:A point system is used. The side with the highest score at the end of the game is the winner. The game ends upon completion of the 15th Turn, or at the end of the 9th turn if the Prussians failed to capture and hold a town by that time. SCORING:The PRUSSIANS receive points as follows for capturing a town by the end of the 8th turn:
ARMANVILLES 30 Points ST. PRIVAT 50 Points TOTAL: 100 Points CAPTURE:A town is captured if it is cleared entirely of French forces by the end of a complete turn. Re-entering a captured town by French forces in subsequent turns, will not effect the Prussian score, until such forces manage to re-capture the town by driving all Prussian forces out. In this case, the Prussians lose points earned for the capture of that town. The FRENCH cannot re-capture a town after completion of the 9th turn. (If they do, it will not effect the Prussian score.) The FRENCH receive 1 automatic Point at the beginning of the game. Beginning with the 10th Turn French units marching or retreating off the board through sector D 1 earn points as per chart on page 1 of the rules (order of Battle). Therefore, if all French units would manage to escape unharmed toward METZ, a total of 129 Points could be earned. French troops withdrawing (4) from D 1 off the board after combat will receive points, while units routing (-2-3-4) through D 1 and off the board, do not earn any points. MOVINGAll units may move up to the maximum distance allotted to them as per moving chart: Units in column formation must move into the direction they are facing and may turn 900 in the first or any subsequent sector they reach. Re-grouping or turning, within the original sector, consumes 1 MU.
Since all moving is considered as being simultaneous, units may move through sectors containing friendly units, even if occupied to full capacity. ZONE OF CONTROL: Infantry and artillery ready for firing, control the three sectors directly adjacent to them, but only those which they are facing:
Cavalry, generals, limbers and teams, artillery men, and cannons that were moved in that turn, do not have a zone of control. ALL UNITS MUST END THEIR MOVE IN THE FIRST ENEMY- CONTROLLED SECTOR THEY REACH It is not permissible to move into or through sectors occupied by hostile forces, or to move diagonally in between two diagonally adjacent enemy held sectors or hostile zones of control. HILLS, WOODS: All units must stop in the first hills or woods sector they reach, regardless of the remaining balance of their move. They may proceed, on the next turn, to move through hills or woods at reduced speed (see Moving Chart). Units stationed in a sector at the edge of mountains or woods, may move out into the open at regular speed. TOWNS: There is no delay when moving through town on roads. Off the road units may move I sector per turn. Artillery pieces and limbers may be placed on any town sector, except in sectors with buildings. "Wall" restrictions apply when entering or leaving a fortified town, except where the roads enter the town. WALLS: Infantry must stop in front of a wall in the sector where crossing is contemplated. It may cross the wall in the next turn, but must remain in the sector directly adjacent to the wall on the other side. Cavalry men may jump over a wall without stopping, at a speed reduction of 2MU. Crossing or jumping walls diagonally is not permitted. Artillery pieces or Limbers cannot move across standing walls. Infantry may destroy-or add "DAMAGE POINTS" to-a wall, at the rate of I point per turn and tray. To do so, they must not be moved, during that turn, and no hostile units may be directly opposite and adjacent to the wall. Once a wall is destroyed, it does not impede movement whatsoever. BROOK: To ford, infantry and unlimbered artillery must remain stationary in the crossing sector for one turn. At the beginning of the next turn, these units may continue to move on the other side at regular speed. Cavalry and limbered Artillery may ford the brook without stopping, at a speed reduction of 2 MU. (If they reach the crossing sector at the end of their regular move, they must deduct 2 MUs at the beginning of the next turn). No Delay occurs, when crossing the brook via the bridge, or when moving alongside the brook on the same bank. BRIDGE: In addition to Artillery bits, Infantry may destroy, or accumulate "Damage Points", to the bridge. To do so, they must have remained stationary on the bridge sector for 1 turn. One die is rolled for each tray of Infantry at the end of each turn they have remained in the bridge sector. The total roll accumulates on the bridge until its destruction value of 30 points has been reached. ROADS: Infantry in column and limbered artillery receives a 2 MU bonus when travelling all or part of their move on roads. This bonus is taken anytime during the move. It cannot be split up. ARTILLERY: To manhandle (move 1 sector) an unlimbered gun the crew must be in the same sector with it at the beginning of the turn.. To limber a gun, also requires a troops of cannoneers. Limbering and un-hitching a gun consumes each 1 MU of the limbers movement. Both may be done in the same turn at. a loss of 2 MU. The gun to be picked up, may be in the same or any adjacent sector. It may also be dropped in the same sector, but the limber must then have 1 MU left to move out of that sector. When hitched up, the gun and crew are considered as being in the sector with the limber and teams, even though the gun physically extends into another sector. ![]()
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