Jude and Ultra

Enigma Code and Bletcheley Park

by Jude Stackpole and ADM Otto Kretchmer

In a letter recently received, JUDE STACKPOLE (1334-1990) has more to say on the ENIGMA Mystery and the broken codes. He writes:

"In his book 'THE DRUID' which deals with a Reichs-Security-Service agent infiltrated into England during World War II (as opposed to an Abwehr agent) who was, it is claimed, never apprehended by British Security, Leonard Mosley connects one of the Cambridge Group (which included such as Philby, Burgess and MacLean) with the director of the Code and Cypher School at Bletchley Park. Both served together on the so-called TWENTY Committee (Twenty being the Roman Numerals XX meaning double cross).

Mosley goes on to elaborate on the fact that although the Cambridge Group operative did identify the agent, he was ordered not to turn him over to M.I.5 by his Soviet Controller.

To this day, although the existence and the scope of the activities of such organizations as the Red Orchestra and the Lucy Network are acknowledged, the real extent of what they did and how they did it has not been discussed. It is known that the groups operated in the upper circles of the O.K.W., the actual prime sources within the O.K.W. are not known. It is suspected that someone high in the LUFTWAFFE was the main source of information, however that is unsubstantiated. What is known is that the inner circles of the O.K.W. were penetrated and compromised.

In his autobiography 'LOST VICTORIES' Field Marshall von Manstein complains that at the time of Operation CITADEL, security had been compromised to the point where Soviet field commanders were in possession of German operational orders down to the battalion level before the named German commands were in possession of the same orders!

Security at the highest levels had been compromised but it seems the reality was ignored- whether with malice aforethought or as a matter of bureaucratic stupidity, the 'something like that just could not happen' mentality isn't certain, although it was probably a bit of both.

It is known that the sympathies of Admiral Canaris were uncertain at best, but whether or not he would actually betray Germany is not certain. The loyalties of others were also uncertain. It is said, for example, the Gestapo Chief Heinrich Muller, disappeared at the end of the War but in fact emerged in Moscow as a Lt General in the KGB. Who really knows?

It is known that Communism and Socialism had deep roots in Germany and that anything was possible. Witness Richard Sorge and his espionage network, established and maintained under the umbrella and protection of the German Embassy in Tokyo.

The bottom line is that Sorge was educated & trained in the Soviet Union following World War I, was re-infiltrated back into Germany with an identity so perfect that he was fully accredited to the German Embassy in Tokyo as a reporter by the NAZI party itself.

That the Soviets were good at what they did in the realm of espionage cannot be denied. That WAS the case and it obviously still IS the case.

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