New Advantages and Changes
Ace: Cost - Variable
For three CGPs, the character is
naturally gifted with one specific skill. This
skill may be improved up to 6 levels, not 4,
using CGPs. For five six or seven CGPs,
the skill is also considered one difficulty
level easier, minimum of Easy, for
purposes of improvement. The cost is 5 for
a Normal skill, 6 for Difficult, 7 for
Berserker: Cost - 6 (5 for
The character is a fighting machine.
In melee, instead of parrying and
attacking, this character may make two
attacks, instead. Remember, consecutive
attacks on the same target receive a +1
bonus to hit. See page 69 in the basic rules
for rules on the order of attacks.
Big: Cost = 5
The character is a giant among his
own kind. The player may purchase 1 Size
level beyond the normal +25% limit.
Common Sense: Cost = 3
(PCs only)
The player may ask the GM if they
are about to do something incredibly
stupid. The GM should only answer with a
yes or no, and not provide advice. This is
a useful advantage for beginners.
Cool: Cost: Variable
Avatar: "I'll tell you, if you think
you can handle it."
For three CGPs, the character is the
epitome of self-confidence. He is always in
control and remains calm even when
stressed out. He gains a +1 bonus to resist
Fast Talk, Interrogate and Seduce
attempts. For six CGPs, the character is a
human rock. He also gains a + 1 bonus to
resist the effects of panic or torture.
Destiny: Cost = Variable
(Only Faeries and major NPCs)
"She [Elinore] told them she
would return as queen of Montagar, her
father's death avenged and herself, a
full-fledged fairy. "
This is a major theme in Wizards.
Even history is destined to repeat itself as
the horrors of the Second World War are
replayed on a future battlefield. Because
of dreams, obligations or expectations, the
course and outcome of the character's
whole life has been predetermined.
However, the future is not immutable,
and the character may always change their
mind once the times comes. For example,
Elinore decided not to become the queen
of Montagar at the end of the film. This
advantage costs 1-5 CGPs, depending
upon the value and importance of this
future event.
Becoming a decorated war hero
might be worth 3 CGPs, but being crowned
king is worth 5 CGPs. A character who
completes their established goals should
merit the appropriate advantage(s).
Eagle Eye: Cost = 3
(Example of a failed roll) Sean:
"Assassins! Get dow . . ." BLAM!
The character gains a bonus of +2
with any awareness roll relying upon
This advantage should be chosen
as an anti-phobia. It cannot be taken in
conjunction with combat, magic or
technology, which falls under the No Technological Stigma advantage.
Good Arm: Cost = 4
If baseball still existed, you'd be
pitching in the major leagues. The
character can throw a standard projectile 5
times his Might in yards and gains a +1
bonus at medium range.
Hearing: Cost = 3
Weehawk: "I sense something... ~
The character gains a bonus of +2
with any awareness roll relying upon
Hangers-On: Cost = 4
"He [Blackwolf] built a small
following of frog-like creatures, but
needed more troops for his evil plans."
The character has an NPC who
follows him everywhere. Maybe the NPC
wants to become an apprentice, pin the
rebellion, or bask in the glory of their
hero--whether he likes it or not. This
NPC may be annoying and somewhat
incompetent (double experience cost to
improve attributes and skills), but
followers normally don't come free.
This one does. Although he'll do
the character's bidding, he isn't stupid or
suicidal. The character gains one-tenth
the experience earned by the NPC, unless
the NPC drops dead. The points spent on
this advantage are lost unless the GM
decides to provide a suitable replacement.
Remember this before using him as a shield!
High Alcohol Tolerance:
Cost - 2
Avatar: "I wonder if I packed my scotch?"
The character can hold his booze.
+3 bonus to Resistance when indulging in
Honored Name: Cost = 2
(Only Red and Yellow Elves)
The clannish Red and Yellow Elves
revere and honor the spirits of their fallen
brethren. The most promising young
warriors are awarded their names in the
ritual coming-of-age. It is believed that the
act will inspire them to even greater feats of glory and infuse them with some of the
greatness of the fallen spirit.
Weehawk is sure to be a powerful
name in future generations. The character
receives a +1 CHA bonus when dealing
with the other members of his tribe. In
fact, the ross is such an important part of
their society that these beasts are often
named after heroic and faithful
Inheritance: Cost = 4
The character is filthy rich, but not
necessarily a snob. His clothing and
supplies are of the best possible quality
and he probably has acquaintances
among "high society" (not as valuable as
Contacts). He starts with an additional 100
GP worth of supplies and a ross (if
appropriate), and may pick up an
additional 50 GP whenever he retums
Cost = 5
Pretty self-explanatory. Once per
game session, the player may opt to either:
Reroll a failed roll, unless it was a Blunder; or
Force an NPC to reroll a success, unless it was an Ace.
Players should be cautious when invoking this advantage, because whether the second roll stays--for better or worse.
Magical Immunity: Cost - 4
For some reason, magic energy does not flow freely through the character. The character gains +3 Spirit for defensive purposes only. However, the character's Spirit is reduced by 3 when casting spells. Consequently, very few of these individuals ever learn to use magic efficiently.
Mentor: Cost - Variable
Elinore: "'Banish trim!?!' But
Father, who will teach me all the magic I
have left to learn?"
This is a variation on the Contacts
advantage. The character is still on good
terms with his mentor/trainer. For two
CGPs, the character's mentor will render
advice, aid and free training whenever
available. As an experienced NPC, this character must have the relevant
professional skills with a score of 10 or
more (including the Instruction skill), and
at least 3 points higher than the player. For
four CGPs, the character's mentor also has
the Status or Renown advantage at no
Mount: Cost = Variable
Weehawk: "The mission is nearly
over, Westwind. But now it's time for one,
final run."
For 4 (3 for elves) CGPs, the
character owns a very loyal mount,
probably a ross. If necessary, it will
sacrifice itself for the character. It has an
above-average intelligence for the species
and will respond to vocal commands.
The mount has learned one attack
maneuver at its DEX base +5 (modified by
the difficlity of the maneuver). Naturally,
the character is very attached to the mount
and would be devastated if it died. For 6 (5
for Elves) CGPs, the mount is a superior
specimen and gains a +1 CON and +1 MR.
Natural Leader: Cost = 3
Blackwolf: "Attention, leaders of
tomorrow's master race!''
When the character speaks, people
listen. So long as the character seems
sincere and knowledgeable, he gains a +1 bonus
with Leadership and Oratory.
Nightvision: see Racial
Advantages: Dwarves.
No Technological
Stigma: (See Disadvantages) Cost = 4
Elinore: "Magic and technology?!?!"
For whatever reason, your
character feels comfortable around
technology and has no moral difficulties
using it. Technology can be a wonderful
tool when used properly, but some of your
contemporaries may not be as
"enlightened," and may take offense to
your casual attitude.
When you consider that most
faeries believe that technology destroyed
the world, it's not too tough to understand
why they wouldn't want to have it around.
Renown: Cost = Variable
Abdul: "Avatar, you old fool,
you've come! Oh, our father's returned!"
Word has spread about some
positive aspect of the character, either his
skills, personality or past deeds.
Depending upon the audience, this could
result in any number Of benefits to the
character, from respect to free lodging.
For three CGPs, the character will be
recognized on a successful Charisma
roll. The audience will react with vague
interest or appreciation. For five CGPs,
the character will be recognized with a +3
modifier. Word will have spread to places
the character hasn't even heard of. People
will want to know all about him and may
ask for demonstrations or stories. For
eight CGPs, the character is instantly
recognized worldwide, and may have
become the stuff of legend. Avatar has
this advantage at this level.
Spell-Like Powers: Cost
= 5 for Fairies, 7 for Elflings
Avatar: "Stop this childish display!
Why, even at elves' houses I've seen more
sophisticated magic!"
This advantage is only available to Fairies and Elflings. These are innately magical creatures and many develop spell-like powers without any formal instruction in the complexities of magic.
To reflect this, the character may
select one spell, either from the list of
common magic or a customized spell. This
spell is cast according to the magic rules,
but the character's current Spirit is used as
the skill base. This power can be practiced
according to the rules on page 78.
Superior Equipment:
Cost = 3
The character owns one superior
weapon or suit of armor--probably a family
heirloom or special gift. The character
purchases the equipment at normal cost,
except the weapon will do +2 damage, and
armor will absorb +2 SP. Both have -1
Time Sense: Cost = 2
The character has no need for a
sundial or a watch--they simply know
what time it is. They can also predict the
time of dawn and dusk. A useful ability
for the outdoor types.
Both levels may be purchased for
four, points.
Visions: Cost = 6
King Dolan: "We have been sent
death images and humans, each with a
different story."
The character may be "sent"
symbolic visions while relaxed and
meditating or sleeping. It is up to the GM
to decide when they will occur. These
visions may be of the character, someone
he knows or someone he will meet. The
content of the vision may refer to the
past, present or future.
The future, however, is not set in
stone and may be altered if the character
strives to do so. A PER roll is required to
understand the symbolic significance of
the vision. The better the roll the clearer
the GM should describe the vision. These
insights never lie, but may not come to
pass, either. If the roll fails the experience
is interpreted incorrectly. A blunder
indicates that the meaning is completely
confused--possibly backwards.
Wizard Blood: Cost = 15
(Faerie characters only)
"The older faerie instantly knew
that these were not ordinary twins, but
magical wizards."
The character is probably the
result of one of Avatar s earlier "exploits."
The character is extremely long-lived; the
new lifespan is ld6 x 1000 years! In
addition Magic is considered a Difficult
skill for purposes of improvement, but not
initial generation. Finally, the character
may also learn Technomancy, but may not
necessarily begin with the skill. It should
also be noted that Blackwolf would almost
certainly put a bounty on the character's
Worldly: Cost = 4
Abdul "Misty moons ago, he
strode this planet like a messiah. curing
radiation sickness from man and bird."
This character probably spent most
of his childhood traveling from place to
place. Evenly divide the character's
initial lore skill (see Common Skills on
page 23) among three different Area Lore
or City Lore skills.
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