The Slaves
Jarson Andekers: Jarson is
the sort of cocky, brash, shuttle pilot that infests
every starport in the galaxy. He was taken captive
because of his mechanical skills and because he
was able to convince Tarnta not to kill him
outright. Unfortunately, his skills don't work with
Nuubsal, and he has quickly found himself at the
top of the Hutt's List of People to Harm. He
therefore tries very hard to avoid attracting
attention, and is content to wait and bide his time
for an escape attempt.
Dexterity 3D+ 1: blaster
4D+1 Knowledge 2D: language 3D
Mechanical 3D: space transports 4D
Perception 4D: con 5D, forge 5D,
persuade 6D Strength 2D Technical
Ch'thoqua: Ch'thoqua was a
Tusken Raider whose tribe was wiped out by
Imperials on Tatooine. After performing the
traditional mourning rituals, he left the Jundland
Wastes for the first time and traveled to
Anchorhead, where he caught a shuttle off-world.
His intention was to link up with the Alliance and
exact some revenge, but he was unused to the
cloak and dagger tactics such contact required. He
was spotted by an Imperial bureaucrat who
pointed him out to Consolidations Unlimited, and
quickly found himself in slaver's chains.
Dexterity 3D: melee 4D
Knowledge 3D: intimidation 413,
survival 4D Mechanical 2D
Perception 4D: hide 5D, sneak 5D
Strength 4D: brawling 6D
Technical 2D
The pair have been in chains for just a few
weeks, and have come to trust each other a great
deal. Ch'thoqua has even begun thinking of
Jarson as a new, "surrogate tribe," and will go to
great lengths to protect him. Both of them are
very anxious to escape. A serious opportunity to
put the harm on their captors would be even more
welcome than a shot at freedom.
The Mole
Cermack Rustill:
Cermack's high-gravity planet produced a
large number of Endomorphs, and was thus singled
out by the Empire as a source of slave labor. His
family was pressed into servitude while he was off
planet, and he joined the Alliance as soon as he got
the news. He hopes to find and rescue them
someday, and sees the Rebellion as the best chance
of doing that.
Cermack is a quiet, thoughtful man whose
intelligence belies his huge size. He will be
cautious in his instigation of the revolt, as he has
no wish to die before finding his family.
Dexterity 2D: blaster
Knowledge 3D+2: languages 5D+2,
streetwise 4D+2 Mechanical 2D+1
Perception 3D: con 5D, hide 4D
Strength 4D Technical 3D
The Commandos
Selnia Trigg: Selnia was a
page for Senator Bail Organa and one of the
earliest members of the Rebel Alliance. The
destruction of her home planet of Alderaan has
left her withdrawn and distant, and she now goes
about her duties with an almost clinical
J'rek de Mahdav has opened her up a bit,
but she feels that any display of emotion will
betray the devastation of her world. She follows
orders well and demonstrates considerable field
initiative during her missions.
She is somewhat upset at receiving this
assignment, preferring assaults on Imperials rather
than a "PR tangle" with comparatively minor
Dexterity 3D: blaster 3D+2, dodge.3D+1
Knowledge 4D: bureaucracy 5D
Mechanical 2D+1: astrogation 3D+1,
capital ship piloting 4D+1
Perception 4D: command 6D
Strength 2D
Technical 2D+2
Ne Thruska: "One cannot be
betrayed if one has no 'people'." That's the guiding
philosophy of Ne Thruska, a Bothan pilot of
unparalleled skill. Trained early on as a spy, Ne
has developed a sense of paranoia that rivals most
in the Alliance. He prefers missions alone, and
dislikes trusting his back to anyone. As such, he
usually serves as a scout pilot and rarely comes
into contact with any rebels save Selnia, his C.O.
He was chosen to test the Morn mainly for his
talents, but also to teach him a little about the
merits of trust.
Dexterity 3D+1: vehicle blasters; 4D+1
Knowledge 2D: planetary systems
Mechanical 4D: astrogation. 5D, capital
ship piloting 6D, starfighter piloting
6D Perception 2D+1 Strength
2D+1 Technical 4D
J'rek de Mahdav: J'rek de
Mahdav is a student of the Force, a pseudo-Jedi
who is just beginning to understand his
capabilities. He's a good soldier who understands
the concept of mercy, and was sent on this raid to
help quell any misunderstandings that may
develop with the revoking slaves. J'rek is a very
sensitive young man who feels the pain of his
comrades acutely. He's tried to bring Selnia
and Ne out of their shells, but so far has achieved
only limited success. His greatest ambition is to
one day leave the fighting behind him, and study
the mysteries of the Force in peace and seclusion.
Dexterity 3D: melee combat 5D, melee
parry 4D Knowledge 3D: alien languages
4D Mechanical 2D Perception 3D:
command 4D+2 Strength 2D: stamina
3D+1 Technical 2D Force Points:1
Special Abilities: control 1D, sense 1D,
alter ID. Seven Force powers of the player's choosing.
Slaver's Chains Star Wars RPG Adventure
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