Slaver's Chains is an adventure for the Star Wars RPG. It is designed for a mixed group of
beginning and experienced PCs, allowing new
characters to smoothly enter a preexisting
campaign. However, with a little adjustment, it can
be made to fit just about any campaign, and
inexperienced characters are hardly necessary to
run the adventure.
The players' stalwart band of rebels must
gather vital information on a nefarious band of
outlaw slavers. Executing a dangerous boarding of
the slavers' ship while in hyperspace, they
inadvertently cause an engine malfunction, sending
the vessel careening towards an occupied planet.
They must avoid crash-landing, salvage the
information they need, and escape, all while being
pursued by both the angry slavers and the local
New PCs will take the role of slaves on the
Tarrita's Fang, a slaver ship destined for the
outlaw's headquarters. They will have a chance to
cast off their chains and perhaps join the Alliance
once the rebels board. Older characters can portray
the rebel commando team, poised to strike at the
slaver's operations. Players can use any characters
they wish; if pressed for ideas, there are ready-
made templates located at the end of the
Slaver's Chains has been designed to allow
a certain amount of leeway in terms of how it
progress' es. Parts of the adventure have been
deliberately left vague for GMs to fill in with their
own details. The information below should be
used as a guide, not a strict fiat.
The Situation
For the last five years or so, a large band of
slavers has been operating out of the Elrood
sector. They use the rather innocuous name
"Consolidations Unlimited," but both their
business' associates and their victims know how
terrible their profession really is.
With an elaborate system of informants and
an intimate knowledge of shipping schedules and
travel lanes, they have launched devastating
attacks on settlements and personnel transports in
the region, taking the strongest and fiercest as
captives. They have an uncanny ability to know
when and where to attack, siting only the targets
that produce the greatest amounts of "quality
As is often the case, the Empire has turned
a blind eye to these pirates, considering the
elimination of "undesirables" under their chains to
be a boon.
The Rebel Alliance has recently learned of
this nefarious band and vowed to put an end to
their activities. Besides the humanitarian concerns
and the desire to eliminate a thoroughly odious
business, the destruction of Consolidations
Unlimited would curry favor for the Rebellion
within the sector.
Furthermore, it would subtly demonstrate
the Empire's incompetence to both legitimate and
illegitimate interests. To this end, they have sent a
small group of commandos -- the player characters --
to locate their base of operations and transmit the
coordinates back to headquarters. Once the
Alliance knows where the slavers are, they can
launch a full strike against them, destroying their
power base - and hopefully
freeing hundreds of slaves who would be more
than happy to join the rebellion.
The Slavers
Consolidations Unlimited was founded by
an opportunistic smuggler by the name of Tarnta
Bane. Taking advantage of the recent chaos caused
by the rebellion, Tarnta has gathered a small army
of equally ruthless scum and promptly begun
carving out his own little criminal empire. The
slavers have utilized a fiendishly simple modus
operandi - they kidnap friends or relatives of star-
port controllers, customs officials, militia
captains, and anyone else with information they
need, then blackmail them into providing regular
data for the organization.
In some cases, they simply plant a
transponder program in the proper computer
system, allowing the slavers access to particular
pieces of information. In others, a more
permanent relationship is required and the
victim's loved one is held captive for months or
years on end. In any case, this web of reluctant
informants has provided Tarnta and his band with
everything they need to strike quickly, take what
they need, and vanish before any kind of help
Consolidations Unlimited operates out of
Vicerv 3, a small planetoid hidden deep within a
nearly destroyed system. A nearby gas giant
provides Vicerv with a barren, but survivable
atmosphere, and the increasing profits of the
operation have allowed a veritable fortress to be
constructed beneath the surface. Comfortable
living quarters and all manner of amusements are
available for Tarrita's men, as well as a docking
platform for attack ships, a well-stocked arsenal,
and an entire floor of slave pens designed to hold
their product.
No one but the slavers and their captives is
ever brought here; buys are conducted at a neutral
site and everyone within the operation is totally
loyal to Tarnta.
Raids are typically carried out through the
use of several huge frigates refitted for slave
trading and numerous smaller vessels of one kind
or another. They occasionally attack
underdefended settlements, but usually choose
personnel transports carrying large numbers of
passengers. They typically force the ship out of
hyperspace, board it, and move directly towards
their pre-specified targets (Wookies and other
such creatures are highly prized, as are beautiful
women and underground species such as
After securing their victims, they disable
the ship if possible and. retreat before any serious
opposition organizes. This process continues
again and again, over a period of weeks, until the
holds are full.
Once captured, potential slaves are tagged
with restraint collars, herded together into pens
and shipped to Vicerv. From there, they are
cleaned up, holo-taped for sales Pitches, and if
necessary, broken into accepting their new
lifestyle. The slave drivers of CU are very
talented, and ensure that there is no permanent
damage to their product during this process.
Thus far, no one has been able to get a mark
on Consolidations Unlimited. They strike fast,
move quickly, and vanish before anyone knows
what's going on. That, however, is about to
The Mission
As stated earlier, Imperial authorities have
been reluctant to do anything about
Consolidations Unlimited. As long as Tarnta and
company do not inordinately disrupt Imperial
shipping or harass "decent" Imperial citizens, the
local magistrate will happily ignore their
depredations. Several weeks ago, however, one of
C.U.'s blackmailed informants had had enough. He
discreetly contacted the Alliance and asked for
their help. The rebels agreed.
The biggest difficulty the Alliance faces in
dealing with Consolidations Unlimited is getting a
decent bead on them. Lacking the resources to
patrol the sector and unwilling to tangle directly with the
local Imperials, the rebels need to know exactly
where C.U. is based before launching their strike.
Through their informant, they have been able
to plant a single mole (one of the PCs) onboard a
transport slated for attack. A combination
beacon/microphone has been planted beneath the
mole's skin that will permit a small group of
commandos (the other players) to both monitor
his situation and follow the slaver's ship.
The official plan runs as follows: the mole
will allow himself to be taken by the slavers. Once
onboard, he will assess the situation and attempt
to engineer a revolt amongst the other slaves.
Whether the revolt succeeds is not the issue; it is
merely designed to distract the slavers from the
other rebels.
At the proper moment, the rebel
commandos will board the ship, locate the bridge,
record the coordinates to Vicerv from the
navicomputer and depart. If they're lucky, the
slave revolt will be successful, and they can pilot
the now-captured ship back to headquarters. If
not, they must depart and leave the rescue
operation for later (the mole will have to suffer
until the strike force arrives).
The Morrt
The Morrt is an experimental vessel that
the Rebellion has loaned to the players in order to
board the slaver ship. It is a three-man craft
designed to latch onto another vessel while in
hyperspace, bore a hole in the hull and allow a
commando unit access to the "host ship."
Essentially just a big engine with a cockpit
attached, the Morrt combines the hyperspace
capacity of long-range fighters with the hull
penetration of classic Corellian boarding skiffs. It
is designed to ride behind the host ship in hyper,
space, gliding along in the wake of the hyperdrive
When the time is right, it accelerates
alongside of the host, latches to the side and uses
the edge of the cockpit to drill a hole in the hull.
With the addition of mass and weight, the
hyperdrive will be forced to deal with a new set of
figures. Safety routines will click into place and
the ship should drop out of hyperspace just as the
Morrt's crew begins to board. This has the twin
benefits of halting the host's movement, and
allowing it to be attacked by larger ships in the
That's the theory, anyway. The players are
expected to see how well it works when they
board the slavers' ship.
Stats for the Morrt
Type: experimental boarding ship
Scale: Starfighter Length: 15 meters
Skill: Starfighter piloting 4D (at least)
Crew: 1 plus 2 passengers Cargo
Capacity: 50 kilograms Consumables: 1
week Hyperdrive multiplier: x2
Hyperdrive back-up: none
Navicomputer: Yes
Maneuverability: 4D Space: 10
Atmosphere: like a turkey dropped
from a B-52 Hull: 4D Shields: None Sensors:
Passive: 20/0d
Scan: 40/1D
Search: 65/1d+1
Focus: 3/5D
Weapons: none
The Morrt's hull is designed to reduce the
engine signal, making it very difficult for enemy
sensors to detect. It can approach stealthily, leap
into hyperspace alongside its host, and glide along
smoothly until boarding operations commence.
Slaver's Chains Star Wars RPG Adventure
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