Lockheed-Mikoyan's Guardian Class Patrol Craft
By Dave Pilurs
All Material © 1995 West End Games
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The Guardian was apparently conceived in direct response to competitor Northrop-Prime's introduction of the Dictator, but it's more than a direct copy. On the surface, the two ships may seem quite similar, but they're remarkably different. Where the Dictator is equipped for the pursuit and capture of pirates, the Guardian's first mission is system defense. Where the Dictator is built to its maximum capacity, the Guardian has an enormous reserve capacity in its computers ' power plants, and hull. It's almost as if the Guardian was designed in anticipation of a war to be waged with 600-ton battleships. In fact, L-M's CEO petitioned the Admiralty for and received authorization to specify nuclear-tipped Q-missiles on the Guardian's build sheet. L,M also equipped the ship with a Skipjump Drive. The politics behind this particular equipment package and Fleet's acquisition of the ship are unclear. A 600- ton ship armed with nuclear Q,missiles could annihilate Fleet dreadnoughts from 100 SUs away and escape without ever registering on a scanner. Obviously, Fleet would never let L-M sell this ship to anyone but Fleet, but that's not the whole story. No one in Fleet would ever discuss it publicly, but it's pretty well known that the most hostile fringers use fission reactors to make nuclear warheads. It's less known that quite a few HE,warheaded Slayers are missing from NetWorld's inventory. Knowing that, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that the very subversives Fleet wishes to keep the Guardian away from already have nuclear Q-missiles. All they need 'is a means for delivery. Is there any doubt that they could steal a Guardian-class ship and arm it themselves? Is there any doubt they couldn't copy or steal the technology and arm their Scythes with nukes? Would a ship like the Guardian (or any ship) be effective in stopping nuclear-armed terrorists should they decide to hold a planet for ransom or simply attack Fleet ships on the Frontier? Time will tell, but this much is certain: The Guardian is destined for duty in the Consortium's roughest sectors. It will serve as a system defense ship for colony worlds and strategic outposts plagued by pirates and bolters. It will serve in systems too remote to merit expensive battlecruisers, systems where a fleet of small, high-powered ships would have more impact than a battlecruiser. Deployment of the Guardian marks a fundamental change in Fleet thinking away from the ever larger, ever more advanced carriers and dreadnoughts. It also turns the Guardian into a flagship of sorts for a new breed of warships. These are smaller and, ton for ton, far more destruc, tive than anything else serving in Fleet today. Any space- faring adventurer would love to acquire one of these, but these are vessels Of war, not commerce. Total Tonnage:
Hull Toughness: 27
Vital Energy Points: 170
Computer Point Value: 500 from 2
Value 12 Computers.
Vital Computer Points: 171
Notes: Ammo Bays contain 5 Slayer HE missiles for Launcher 1 and 5 Slayer NUC missiles for launcher 2. Ship's computers contain 2 complete sets of the software shown above. Equipment Bays contain a 5-man Boarding Tube and 2 EVMS Units Equipment Lockers contain 3 Mark IV Brodie armor suits, 5 ENVI suits, and 5 Mag Clamp sets Hull coated with polychromatic stealth paint (+3 stealth vs.radar). Hull is streamlined Sloped (+3 Stealth) and equipped with wings for transatmospheric operations. Weapon Lockers contain 3 Brodie LX4 Military Blaster Rifles, 5 Furtherman F20 Military Laser Rifles, 9 Brodie magazines, and 20 Furtherman magazines. Ship carries 2 Comm Scramblers, 10 Decoy Pods, 2 Distress Beacons, 2 IFF Transponders, Shield Blinds (cancels +3 Bonus on Scan vs. Shields), a T-Sync Disrupter, and a T-Syncer. Ship equipped with a 5-man Airlock, a 3-man Bridge, 2 gunner stations, an 8-man Deluxe Lounge, 8 Coldsleep modules, eight 1-Man Rooms, and a 4-prisoner Brig. External Damage Chart
3-4: Reaction Drive 5-6: Shields 7: Weapons
9-10 Missile Launcher Turret (1-2) 8: Maneuver Rating 9: Sensors
3-5 Radar Type B (1-6) 6-8 Radar Type C (1-6) 9 -10 Visual 10: Airlock Stock Ships: The Missing Vessels An Official Supplement for West End's Shatterzone
The Defender Battlecruiser Lockheed-Mikoyan's Guardian Class Patrol Craft Barracuda Class Destroyer Kereteka's Explorer Class Scout Back to Shadis #20 Table of Contents Back to Shadis List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master List of Magazines © Copyright 1995 by Alderac Entertainment Group This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |