Edward I

D. Appendix: Event Cards List

by Terry Gore

Event cards are drawn after the Orders of Battle are prepared for each side, but before the tabletop is prepared for battle. Draw a card for each tabletop battle until a Jack-Ace or a suit relating to the location is revealed:

    Club: if in France
    Diamond: if in Wales
    Heart: if in Scotland
    Spade: if in England

Hostility DR modifiers apply only if the region has not been beaten twice in a row. Should a change in troop type leave a single stand of that troop type, change the results to allow the minimum 2 stand unit to be deployed. References to “English” mean Edward’s army. Garrison points joining Edward may be used for any unused allowable troops from the English list. If Edward’s army is smaller than his opponent, the English player may elect to eliminate one of the conditions in the Event drawn.

Troop descriptions indicate number of figures per stand and amount of protection (e.g., “3FMC” = 3 fully mailed cavalry figures per stand); morale class (e.g., “Warrior”); training (e.g., “irregular”), and weaponry (e.g., “lance & shield”). All die rolls refer to 6-sided die.

Club: Lack of spoils reduces ½D+1 stands Edward’s knights one morale level. Add a hero to opponent’s OB. Reduce Edward’s Treasury by ½Dx10. Garrison in area joins Edward.
Diamond: An English leader is overly enthusiastic: one leader and his troops deploy at mid-board and must advance or charge ½D turns; Edward and all others deploy as if off-board reserves.
Heart: 1D stands of Welsh (if none, Irish) desert Edward (Scot chooses stands). Add one hero to Scottish OB. Scot’s priests arrive on turn 1D. +1 to Wales’ next Hostility DR.
Spade: ½D6 stands of Edward’s Knights change sides: adjust OBs accordingly. Weather muddy. Reduce Edward’s Treasury by ½Dx10. +1 to Wales’ next Hostility DR.

Club: The accompanying French priest claims/possesses a papal banner or cross (treat as relic). Storms at sea reduce Edward’s supply wagons to ½D+2 resupply capacity total—Edward to allocate.
Diamond: A fortnight of heavy rain turns the countryside to mud (Weather muddy). Welsh player places bog (<1D” radius) at least tactical distance from nearest English unit after deployment.
Heart: Scottish player receives highlander unit of 1D+1 stands (3HI, fanatic, irregular, ax & shield), arriving on turn ½D anywhere at Scot’s side of table edge (flanks too)—roll for attrition.
Spade: ½D stands of Edward’s knights do not show up for battle. Add one hero to both sides. Weather: stormy on DR of 4-6 (each may add or subtract 1 from the roll). +1 to Wales’ next Hostility DR.

Club: Edward’s 2nd in command struck down by dysentery. Mark (randomly if more than one) one subordinate general as “Poor” for the upcoming battle. Any French garrison points join Edward.
Diamond: Increase one Welsh leader (he chooses) one quality level. Add one supply wagon and one hero to Welsh OB. Reduce Edward’s Treasury by ½Dx10. +1 to Wales’ next Hostility DR.
Heart: Edward’s Scottish opponent embark on a scorch earth policy—reduce Edward’s supply trains by 1 for the upcoming battle. Sickness causes Edward’s priests to miss the battle.
Spade: Add one hero to rebel’s OB. Local garrison joins Edward’s army. Reduce Edward’s Treasury by ½Dx10. Increase one rebel knight unit to fanatic. +1 to France’s next Hostility DR.

Club: One unit of German mercenaries arrive to battle Edward: add 1D+1 stands (4HI, Warrior, Trained, pike) to French OB. Reduce both sides by ½D stands of knights (+1 to Edward’s roll).
Diamond: One of Edward’s subordinate (his choice) advances precipitously—deploy at midtable and must advance or charge his units 2 turns; other English troops cannot move for ½D turns.
Heart: Irish employed by the Edward waiver in their loyalty: 1D Irish stands (minimum 2; all, if only 1 stand left loyal to Edward) go over to the Scots (adjust OBs). Add one hero to these Irish.
Spade: Add to rebel OB, ½D+1 stands of Hobilars. Randomly (Edward or rebel) downgrade a leader to “Poor”; add a hero to that leader’s OB. +1 to France’s next Hostility DR.

Club: 1D stands of shire militia desert Edward. Increase one French leader (player’s choice) one quality level. Garrison in France joins Edward. +1 to Wales’ next Hostility DR.
Diamond: Increase one Welsh leader (player’s choice) one quality level. Add one supply wagon and one hero to Welsh OB. Local garrison joins Edward. +1 to Scotland’s next Hostility DR.
Heart: Scottish commander prepares ground: place a 5”x 1D” pot holed area after all terrain placed. Scorched earth policy limits English supply wagons to ½D resupply capacity each.
Spade: Rebel barons add 1D+1 stands of Irish kerns (2SI, Warband, irregular, javelin & shield) to OB. Randomly (either side) reduce one leader by one level. +1 to France’s next Hostility DR.

Club: A well-stocked army faces Edward: add to French OB 2 bolt shooters (3UI Warrior trained crew) with supply wagon. Reduce Edward’s Treasury by 1Dx10. Local garrison joins Edward.
Diamond: Randomly upgrade one Welsh leader to charismatic. Reduce Edward’s Treasury by 1Dx10. Local garrison joins Edward’s army. Edward’s fat priests arrive on turn 2D.
Heart: Scot places a shallow (fordable) stream (=2” wide) the length of table before any other terrain is placed; when placed, English place a 2” wide road (and low stone bridge) anywhere. Randomly upgrade one Scot leader one quality level. Add one hero to Edward’s OB.
Spade: Local knight (hero) joins any unit rebel Baron chooses. Add 1 supply wagon to rebel’s OB. One rebel knight unit upgrades to fanatic. Garrison in England joins Edward

Club: The Count of Anjou sends additional help to battle Edward: 1D+1 stands of Crossbowmen (4LAI, Warrior, Trained, crossbows with pavises) arriving on turn ½D at French base line.
Diamond: Scorched earth policy reduces Edward’s supply wagons to ½D resupply capacity each. Elevate one (randomly) Welsh leader one level. ½D stands of knights desert Edward.
Heart: One of Edward’s leaders & troops (his choice) arrive on turn 1D: English marks entry with one stand on the English base line during deployment. +1 to Wales’ next Hostility DR.
Spade: Raid on Edward’s supply train reduces his supply wagons to ½D+2 resupply capacity total. Add one hero to Baron’s OB. Local garrison joins Edward. +1 to France’s next Hostility DR.

Club: ½D stands of Irish (if none, Welsh) desert Edward. Add one bolt shooter (3UI Warrior trained crew) with supply wagon. Local garrison joins Edward. +1 to Wales’ next Hostility DR.
Diamond: Weather delays deployment of Edward’s troops: one subordinate and his troops (Edward chooses) arrive at the battlefield (mark with stand on the English baseline) on turn 1D.
Heart: Scot places a bog (not to exceed 2D” radius) after both armies are deploy tactical distance from Edward’s nearest unit. Add one hero to Scot’s OB. +1 to France’s next Hostility DR.
Spade: Rebel places a shallow (fordable) stream (=2” wide, =2Dx10” long) so ends run off any side of the table before terrain placed; English immediately places a 2” wide low stone bridge.

Club: On turn ½D+1 of the battle, ½D+1 stands of French fanatic knights arrive anywhere on the French base line. Scorched earth policy limits English supply wagons to ½D6 resupply capacity.
Diamond: Rear guard action: English supply train (place 12” from base line—treat as camp, cannot move) only deploys. On each turn, deploy at baseline one of Edward’s leaders and troops (his choice).
Heart: Scot player places ridge (not to exceed 18” in length, 2D” of steep sides in middle), before any terrain placed. One of Edward’s leader’s troops (Scot chooses) moves ½ rate for ½D turns.
Spade: Add to rebel’s OB, ½D+1 stands of knights of the type and quality that the Baron’s army has the most. Add one hero to rebel OB. Upgrade one leader one quality level (randomly selected from either army). +1 to Scotland’s next Hostility DR.

Add 1D+1 stands of Warrior (fanatic on 1D6 roll of 5-6) HC (Hobilar) with hero, arriving on turn 1D to opposition’s OB. Player secretly writes entry location (not on English base line) before rolling turn. Roll for attrition. Add a hero to Edward’s OB. Opponent may place a 16” ditch or hedge before any terrain placed (Edward may adjust placement 1D” in any direction (or wheel). Once a Jack has been drawn and used, remove all other Jacks from the deck.

Papal legate arrives to spur on opponent: treat as relic. Storms at sea limit English supply wagons to ½D resupply capacity each. Local garrison joins Edward’s army. Reduce Edward’s Treasury by ½Dx10. Add one hero to opponent’s OB. Modify the applicable region’s next Hostility DR by +1. Once a Queen has been drawn and used, remove all other Queens from the deck.

Court intrigue forces Edward to return to London before the battle; replace Edward with another CinC (roll for quality, except no modifiers or rerolls apply). Local garrison joins Edward’s army. Add one supply wagon to opponent’s OB. Increase one of opponent’s units by one morale level. Once a King has been drawn and used, remove all other Kings from the deck.

Upon the drawing of the first ace, Edward’s betrothal is announced to the daughter of

    Club: Phillip, King of France;
    Diamond: Llewellyn, Prince of Wales;
    Heart: John Balliol, King of Scotland; or
    Spade: Simon de Montfort, leading baron of the reformers.

Modify the applicable region’s next Hostility DR by –1. Treat the marriage of Edward as a battlefield victory in the region for purposes of victory conditions only. Once an ace is drawn, the drawing of another ace represents the remarriage of Edward after the death of his former wife. Add one hero and one supply wagon to opponent’s OB. Upgrade one leader one quality level (randomly selected from either army). Local garrison joins Edward’s army.

Edward I Late 13th Century Campaign Game

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