Fall In Rulings

Medieval Warfare

By Terry Gore


1. Artillery in close combat is unarmored? Stand strength equal to the number of Crew?

[Artillery counts as Lightly Armored (see MW, pg. 43) and strength is equal to the number of crew, correct.]

2. What about if the target of missile combats?

[Artillery always count as shielded but with no plus or minus armor factor as a target.]

3. The rules state that a unit with a recover order can fire during missile combat as long as it is not Routing or Out of Missiles but with penalties. What penalties?

[You remove the Recover order if you fire. It doesn't recover.]

4. I read this as the artillery unit fires goes low and next turn a recover order is on it and it fires again (half strength) forcing it to go out of missile. During the recovery phase the out of missile is removed.

[No, it loses the Recover order if it moves or fires.]


1. If the C-in-C leaves the table due to movement and he has a bonus for the initiative roll does he still use the bonus or does the bonus return when he does? Same question if the C-in-C is lost due to combat?

[If he is not on the table, i.e. has left the battlefield, or is routed/killed, he doesn't get to roll for Initiative at all. Your opponent will automatically get it. If this is the case, the battle is pretty much over....]

2. We assumed his orders were also gone until he returned..



1. A unit in close combat with a Low on Missile within range of a supply wagon (they have two) can that unit remove the Low on missile at the end of turn? The rules say "any desired unit."

[Yes, since this resupply action does not require a Recover order, we assume that the particular unit in question gets to automatically remove the Low on Missiles because it is overstocked with additional missile supplies to begin the battle with.]


1. A unit in wedge loses the close combat and is pushed back. It becomes disordered for falling out of wedge. (Failure to destroy, rout. ) Does it get fragmented because of being pushed back? One or two disorder markers?

[Two. The vulnerability of wedges (and Conrois for that matter) is if they do not win, they are in very rough shape. You cannot even retreat with the unit as it would then be disordered again and rout!]

Moving into Combat

1. If I move first and move into contact with a unit who was ordered to advance out of my path can they now do it or does my movement into contact force a close combat? If moved first he would have moved out of the way so no question there..

[That's why you may want to go first if you win the Initiative die roll. If you move first, and he did not have Deploy or Retreat orders, he sits and takes it.]

2. After close combat the loser routs, I pursue and contact another enemy unit does the combat take place that turn (immediately like a mounted breakthrough) or next turn?

[Next turn.]

More Fall-In Tournament Rulings For Warfare Rules

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