Fall In Rulings


By Terry Gore

As is typical for a tournament, some questions arose. It's amazing how much of a mess one can get oneself into when playing in a tournament game! Some of the situations were indeed unique.

First of all, we had the question of when or if an enemy unit exposed its flank to you when he was moving first, could you advance into the open flank on your tactical move, thus disordering him and counting double casualties? Yes you can. The wording should state that your unit must have a complete stand behind his flank before any of your charges, shooting or movement starts. Add that words of your to your rules on page 5 in MW and AW.

Do not expose your flank when moving across the enemy front unless he has already moved first.

Next, the question came up about Supply Units. Do they need orders? No. Move them as their normal movement rate, 6" (8") for 15mm (25mm) if in Engagement Range, otherwise 8" (12").

Remember that multiple unit combats are fought out in their entirety before any morale tests are made.

When units are mounted and firing while charging, as a tournament convention I require them to roll to see what range they get to fire at, just like foot receiving a mounted charge. You could also opt to require to have them fire at the point their charge started, but I like to have them roll to see what their range is.

How about wedges charging and firing? In AW, wedging cavalry count 1 1/2 ranks. Let's say you have a four stand Skythian SC unit firing and charging. Since three stands actually will be fighting, only one may actually fire while charging. In MW, all of the wedging stands will fight, so none of them would get to fire. Rationale: the mounted charging troops that will be fighting in hand-to-hand combat will be making certain that their spears and shields are ready. Foot receiving the charge have time to both fire, if eligible, and to prepare to fight the chargers.

Fire and flee is always interesting. If you opt to attempt a Fire and Flee, you must move at least half of your rolled charge distance in total, both up and back. This is the same as a charge in this respect.

I'm sure there are other points I missed, so those of you who played, get back to me with any questions you had.

More Fall-In Tournament Rulings For Warfare Rules

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