Saga #55

Table of Contents

Adding editor Jamie Fish and more.

Comments from the Press Gang
Associate Editor Jamie Fish welcomes comments.

The Seleucid Army (Part Four)
The series picks up with the death of Antiochus II and carries forward to the death of Seleucus III.

Seleucid Tabletop Armies
Guidelines for creating armies, including a discussion of allies and enemies, for Seleucus II, Antiochus Hierax, and Seleucus III.

Tmima Stratiotikon Plirophorion
The "military intelligence" column covers aniticipated historical sites in Cyprus and the Middle East.

1066: The Campaign for England
Norman, Anglo-Danish, Welsh, Viking and Pre-Feudal Scots battle it out to rule Britannia in this DBA campaign.

Nikephorian Byzantines
Historical uses of Klibanophoroi, Skoutatoi, Kavallarioi, and other forces, followed by a discussion of them under the DBM rules.

DBM Medieval Portuguese
Tournament gaming at Twistercon 4. Includes the Portuguese army list.

Convention Report: Enfilade 96
An overview of the convention scene.

Multiplayer Armati
"Modified Nearly Beyond Recognition" rules experiments.

Pistols Vs. Lances
An examination of PIs vs. LNs under the DBR rules.

DBR: Rock:Paper:Scissors
Killer matchups.

Letters to the Editor

    David A. Perry responds to dice-controlled movement.
    Lance Runolfsson proposes a DBR tournament idea.
    Drum Barrack's Battle Group discusses an Armati Renaissance tournament.
    Shawn Ledford is irked by a "general overall anti-DBM tone."

Cover: Melee circa 1425.
Detail from the Bayeux Tapestry: Normans charge the English infantry.
Detail from cover: A convention of arms.

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© Copyright 1996 by Terry Gore

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