Convention Report:
Enfilade 96

By Mark A. Steinberg

I and 250 others attended this years' Enfilade 96 convention of the Northwest Historical Wargamers Association held in Lynnwood (Seattle Suburb) Washington each Memorial Day weekend. As usual it was a success and a lot of fun to attend.

Held in the Best Western Landmark Inn, there is ample room for the more than 16 big multiplayer games, and dozens of smaller match-ups that occur simultaneously. Over 50 multiplayer games were held. Naturally there is lots of micro-armor, ACW and Nappies, along with some interesting 7 years war, aircraft, and naval games.

The terrain on the boards and the painting of the figures was up the usual Northwest high standards of excellence. There were even some Advanced Squad leader board gamers allowed to set up in a corner.

Of interest to those of us in love with the pregunpowder era of human conflict, there was much to choose from. There was a least one Armati (15mm) demo game in each time slot, this is after all one of the locations of a chapter of the DOA (Disciples of Arty). There was a DBM battle or two (both 15mm and 25mm), some 15mm DBA games, and several rules sets for our period that I was not familiar with.

One rule set was called Warriors of Antiquity, with a 4 player game put on by Bryan Booker. Ed Teixeira, also put on a game of his soon-to-be-published rules, Warrior Kings. The game was an 8-player scenario with two Frankish Armies in a dynastic dispute. Naturally Charlemagne won. The game was a great deal of fun and very well presented with lots of nice 25mm figures. Ed is also putting on Breakthrough, a miniatures convention in Everett in Nov 96.

A couple of skirmish battles rounded out the convention, with a very simple (beer and pretzels) game done saturday night by Ringhouse Fantasies, called Six Set, Battle Wars. I was the first one eliminated with all 50 of my men dead, and still had a good time. Dealers in attendance provided much distraction with all the variety of figures, accessories, maps etc. Vauban Enterprises came down from Canada to show off their extensive figure line, and Canadian Wargamers Group, Ral Partha miniatures Guernsey Foundry, Columbia Games, Outland Games of Ohio, and Bandoleer Publications all showed off their wares. Red Plume Painting service showed off its work and took orders. Hobbytown USA, Games Plus, C&M Hobbies, Czech-mate Enterprises and Fantastic Games & Toys all did a bang up business. The latter particularly brought an incredible array of figures of interest to ancient and medievalists. Geo-Hex was there with all their beautiful terrain, trees etc. As usual too much to look at and too small a wallet. There were also, some great buys in the swap meet tables and at the Sunday painted armies auction.

Enfilade 97 Contact Info

I know I'll be attending Enfilade 97 next year, even though I'll be living in California by then. If you think you want to attend, then the people to contact are;

Tim McNulty, Connvention Director, 12518 Reservoir Rd.E, Puyallup, WA. 98374.

Russ Bauder, Event Coordinator, 8028 27th. Ave. N.E., Seattle WA. 98115.

Mike Pierce, Dealer Coordinator, 7001 NE137, Kirkland, WA.98034.

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