Battles for Miniatures
Part 1: Hastings

Wargaming the Battle of Hastings

by Gary Comardo

1066 Normans vrs. Saxons


    Harold (CiC) w/5 HI 'B' Class 2HCW/SH & PA Standard = 145 Pts.
    Leofwine (Sub-Gen.) w/4 HI (as above) no standard = 74 Pts.
    Gyrth (Sub-Gen.) w/3 HI (as above) no standard = 68 Pts.
    4 Units of
      10 HI 'B' Class 2HCW/SH @ 6 Pts. each
      and 10 HI 'C' Class JLS/SH @ 5 Pts, each = 540 Pts.
    3 Units of
      12 HI 'C' Class JLS/SH @ 5 Pts. each
      and 24 MI 'D' Class JLS/SH @ 2 Pts. each = 524 Pts.

    1 Unit of 25 HI 'C' Class JLS/SH C, 5 Pts. each = 150 Pts.

    TOTAL = 1501 Pts.

    (Saxons may have up to 12 MI archers w/B&SH mixed in with other MI troops, substitute for equal number of JLS figures)


    William (CiC) w/5 HC 'A' L/SH & PA Standard = 165 Pts.
    Alan (Sub-Gen w/2 HC 'A' L/SH = 68 Pts.
    Roger (Sub-Gen w/
      6 HC 'B'L/SH Lombards
      and 5 MC 'B' L/SH Retainers = 139 Pts.

    2 Units of 12 Norman HC 'B' L/SH 0 9 Pts. each = 266 Pts.
    1 Unit of 12 Breton HC 'C' JLS/SH @ 8 Pts. each = 121 Pts.
    1 Unit of 12 Retainers MC 'C' JISISH @ 6 Pts. each = 97 Pts.
    1 Unit of
      6 Mercenary HC 'B' L/SH @ 9 Pts. each
      and 6 Mercenary MG 'B' L/SH @ 7 Pts. each = 141 Pts.

    3 Units of 12 Archers LMI 'C' B/SH @ 3 Pts. each 183 Pts.
    1 Unit of
      12 Norman HI 'C' JLS/SH @ 5 Pts. each
      and 12 Norman MI 'C' JLS/SH 0 3 Pts. each = 121 Pts.

    2 Units of 25 Men-at-Arms MI 'C' JLS/SH @ 3 Pts. each= 200 Pts.

    TOTAL 1501 Pts.


Saxons set up anywhere along Senlac Hill, may also deploy troops within one foot of own table edge up to maximum WRG deployment area. All figures must be on the table, no flank marches or delayed arrivals allowed.

Normans deploy anywhere, between the marsh and their right hand table edge. May set up to 12" on. May not flank march. Saxons are outscouted. Sub-Gens. have P standards at no cost.


If William is killed, the Saxons win at that point.

If Harold is killed, take normal tests for death (or wounding) of CiC. but no automatic loss. If either is captured, that side automatically withdraws from the field and losses. Otherwise, the game lasts 12 periods, count up as per WRG winners and losers to decide victory.

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