Swedish Jagare:

The Storming of Grimmisches Gate

1) Prussian battalion Mirbach enters the city, but is met by heavy fire and repulsed.

2) Three Prussian battalions open the outer tor (gate) and stream into the city, but are again repulsed by fire from 3 directions. Prince Ludwig von Hessen-Homburg is wounded.

3) Swedish Jagare charge through the gate, but the attack stalls when their commander, von Dabeln is killed.

4) Swedish artillery clears the square of French, and the Swedish Jagere, in two columns, once again advance into the square.

5) Lieutenant Ljunggren is wounded leading one of Jagare divisions from the Svea LeibGuard.

6) Five Russian battalions charge and overrun the Hospital gate.

7) The Russian column advances down the Johannisgasse (Johannis street) meeting little resistance until a desperate French cavalry attack forces them back.

8) Major Lillienstram, who is now leading the Svea Life column is severely wounded.

9) The Swedish column is charged by French hussars but repels the attack.

10) The inner Grimmisches gate is opened by the pressure from the outside and soldiers from all the allied nations stream into the city.

More Swedish Jagare:


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