Snappy Nappy Order of Battle
by Russ Lockwood and Dan Burkley
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Umpire Note: Special thanks to Dan Burkley for not only fine-tuning my initial OB, but printing out all the labels AND labelling the bases AND creating/printing out the roster sheets used by the players. And if that was not enough, he supplied ALL the troops except for the pontoon bridge train (from Rich Pichnarczyk) and one general (mine). Without his help, this recreation of the 1809 invasion would not have existed! All artillery units are 1 stand, while infantry and cavalry units are 2 stands. Each unit is approximately a regiment, while each artillery stand represents about 12 guns. To increase the fog of war, commanders and units have been re-arranged slightly from historical OB. A good historical starting OB (paper strength) can be found in Armies on the Danube 1809. Austrian IR = Infantry Regiment. This is followed by its numerican designation and any applicable title.
Austrians (Archduke John)Frimont's Command
IR #46 Chasteler: Veteran Second Banal Grenz #11 : Veteran 9th Jagers: Elite Ott Hussars #5: Elite 6 Pdr. Horse Arty.: Veteran 3 Pdr. Foot Arty.: Veteran 6 Pdr. Foot Arty: Veteran A. Gyulai's Command
IR #61 St. Julien: Veteran IR #26 Hohenlohe-Bartenstein: Veteran First Banal Grenz #10: Veteran Hohen zollern Cheveuleger #2: Elite Bruck Landwehr: Militia 3 Pdr. Foot Arty: Veteran 12 Pdr. Foot Arty: Veteran Wolfskeel's Command
Muhlen Grenadiers: Elite IR #3 Archduke Charles: Veteran IR# 19 Baron Kerpen: Veteran Erhzerzog Joseph Hussars #2: Elite Kaiser Franz Chevaulegeres #1: Elite 3 Pdr. Foot Arty.: Veteran 12 Pdr. Foot Arty.: Veteran Colleredo's Command
Ogulier Grenz #3: Veteran Combined Grenadiers: Elite Judenburg Landwehr: Militia Frimont Hussars #9: Elite Hohenlohe Dragoons #2: Veteran 6 Pdr. Horse Arty.: Veteran 6 Pdr. Foot Arty.: Veteran Jellacic's Command
IR #45 Devaux: Veteran Warasdiner Kreuter Grenz #5: Veteran St. Vincent Chevaulegers #4: Elite Salzburg Landwehr: Militia 6 Pdr. Foot Arty.: Veteran 1st Tyrolian Militia: Militia 2nd Tyrolian Militia: Militia Davidovitch's Command
Archduke Charles Legion: Veteran Pressburg Insurrection: Militia Szala Insurrection: Militia Neustadt Landwehr: Militia Adelsberg Landwehr: Militia Pandour Insurrection Cavalry 3 Pdr. Foot Arty.: Veteran Bezan's Command
Limburg Volunteers: Veteran Graz Landwehr: Militia Kamther Landwehr: Militia Gorz Landwehr: Militia Cillier Landwehr: Militia 3 Pdr. Foot Arty.: Veteran Army of Italy (Eugene)Seras' Command (Reserve and Italian Guard)
53rd Line: Veteran 106th Line: Veteran Italian Guard Dragoons: Elite Italian Guard: Elite 6 Pdr. Foot Arty.: Elite 12 Pdr. Foot Arty: Veteran Broussier's Command
84th Line: Elite 92nd Line: Veteran 2nd Confederation of the Rhine: Conscript 6th Hussars: Elite 4 Pdr. Foot Arty.: Veteran Severoli's Command
4th Confederation of the Rhine: Conscript 29th Line: Veteran Dalmatian Line: Veteran "Reine" Dragoons: Elite 6 Pdr. Foot Arty.: Veteran Pacthod's Command
52nd Line: Veteran 102nd Line: Veteran 2nd Converged Voltiguers: Elite 1st Italian Chasseurs: Veteran 4 Pdr. Foot Arty.: Veteran Rusca's Command
4th Bavarian Line: Conscript 5th Bavarian Line: Conscript 60th Line: Veteran 81st Line: Veteran 4 Pdr. Foot Arty: Veteran Lamarque's Command:
112th Line: Conscript 79th Line: Veteran 1st Converged Voltiguers: Elite 25th Chasseurs: Veteran 6 Pdr. Foot Arty.: Veteran Grouchy's Dragoon Division
23rd Dragoons: Elite 28th Dragoons: Elite 29th Dragoons: Elite 30th Dragoons: Elite 4 Pdr. Horse Arty.: Elite Fontanelli's Command
67th Line: Veteran 93rd Line: Veteran 6th Confederation of the Rhine: Conscript 6 Pdr. Foot Arty.: Veteran Durette's Command
23rd Line: Veteran 42nd Line: Veteran 62nd Line: Veteran 6th Chasseurs: Veteran 6 Pdr. Foot Arty.: Veteran More Snappy Nappy: 1809 Austrian Invasion of Italy
French Situation and Introduction Austrian Situation and Introduction Snappy Nappy Order of Battle French and Austrian Messages in Chronological Order Memoirs of Archduke John: Austrian Perspective Memoirs of Gen. Davidovitch: Austrian Perspective Memoirs of Gen. Wolfkeel: Austrian Perspective Memoirs of Gen. Broussier: French Perspective Memoirs of Gen. Jellacic: Austrian Perspective The Game From the Umpire's Neutral Perspective Background: Historical Progression of the 1809 Italian Campaign Back to MWAN #116 Table of Contents Back to MWAN List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 2000 by Coalition Web, Inc. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |