by Jeremy J. Dowd
Artwork by JC Carter
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Greater Spheres: Elemental (earth/air), Healing, Protection, Creation Minor Spheres: Guardian, Animal, Necromantic, Time, Sun, Wards, Numbers, Plants Holy Items: Birthdays, Dawn, Buds Ability Req: WIS = 14 INT = 13 Turn/Control: Turn Cleric Name: Dalisha Worshipers Align: Any Non-Evil Weapons/Armor: Javelin, Dart, Hammer, Jo Stick, Mace, Sling (Staff), Staff, Trident/Any Armor Granted Powers
Any healing magic (spells, potions, etc.) administered by a Dalisha gains a +1 per 3 levels. Myths
And so Ithican drew Wyndschar from his scabbard, the first time since the death of his mortal wife Amdia, and journeyed to the sun, for he needed light to banish the power of Anna, and taking it upon his back, though it burned and scorched, he flew for seven days and seven nights until at last he fell, collapsing at the foot of the prison that held Lyra. And seeing this being that would take his life for Her, Lyra wept and Her tears bathed the wounds upon Ithican's back until they were no more. Ithican stood, brandishing Wyndschar in one hand and the sun in the other and the guardians and servants of Anna fled. Then Ithican took Lyra in his arms and carried Her home. He set the sun back to the sky and charged it to follow the moon, so Anna's power would be lessened and then went to Darren to request Lyra's hand. Although problems arose, for Darren and Ithican are not renown for their fondness with each other, Lyra 's next experience was a wedding.
Greater Spheres: All, Combat, Travelers, Guardian, Divination Minor Spheres: Elemental (All), Healing, Animal, Sun, Plant, Thought, Chaos Holy Items: Sling, Mandolin, Wolf Cleric Name: Filis Ability Req.: WIS 10, DEX 13, STR 13 Turn/Control: Turn Worshipers Align.: C/G, N/G, ON Weapons/Armor: Dagger, Sling (staff), Quarterstaff, Bastard/Long/Short Sword, Rapier / Chain or Less Granted Powers
Harper Abilities: Influence Reaction/Rally friends and allies Bonus Proficiencies
Bowyer/Fletcher May choose from Fighter NWP table without penalty Myths
This abhorrence to authority does not always serve Her, however, as in the time She was hunting within Her fathers forbidden forest with Her favorite companion, a silver wolf named Tama. After expertly hitting mark after mark, Tama encouraged Her to shoot for a more challenging target. A bird of some sort, merely a speck on the horizon. One arrow drawn, aimed and shot, and the bird fell. Unfortunately the speck was Her fathers prize hunting eagle. Ithican was enraged and threatened to forbid His miscreant daughter from ever hunting again. Lyra, knowing this would break Her daughters heart and create a rift between fatber and daughter that may never be rectified, she went to her father, Darren, to perhaps use his power over death to bring back the eagle. Darren, however, could not restore the eagle for it was slain by a God and so, using their powers together, Darren and Lyra bent their wills together, death and rebirth, and from the still form of the eagle rose a beautiful raven, a white raven. This gift mollified Ithican somewhat, but punishment still needed to be given. Allowing Tallah to hunt, but without the use of the bow. Tallah accepted this, but She remembers the bow which is why all Filis know how to string and shoot a bow, but are forbidden to use it.
Greater Spheres: All, Astral, Divination, Numbers, Summoning, Thought Minor Sphere: Charm, Guardian, Healing, Necromantic, Protection Holy Items: Staff, Pentagram, Owl Ability Req: INT = 14 WIS = 10 Turn/Control: No Worshipers: Any Cleric Name: Magest Weapon/Armor: Same as Mage Granted Powers
Magests gain Mage spells that they draw from their All sphere. They gain 1 random mage spell equal to the spell progression of mages (1 at 1st level, 1 more at 2nd level, 1 2nd level spell at 3rd, 1 1st level and I 2nd level spell at 4th, etc.). Accident Absorption: Any time an accident happens around a Magest (within 50'), he may choose to absorb it. If he does the accident will happen to the Magest if he tries a similar action. Example: A Magest's companion rolls a critical miss, the Magest absorbs it to himself (the critical does not happen), but the next time the Magest attacks with a weapon it will be a critical miss. An accident is also seen as any save or ability check missed by 1 or thieving ability missed by 5%. At 7th level, the Magest may attempt to "give" his saved " accidents" to another. The recipient of this gift rolls a save vs spell. If he succeeds, the "accident" immediately effects the Magest; if he fails, it effects the target. Myths
It seems that Tallington is unconcerned of the current mental state of mortals, however. All the stories and legends that put Him in this "harmless" light have done nothing to inspire Him to greater lengths to prove them wrong. His primary responsibility still lies in magic, the research, the application and the philosophy, and it seems that as long as He is left to pursue these matters, He will let those people think and act as they will.
Greater Spheres: All, Combat, Guardian, Necromantic, Protection Minor Spheres: Chaos, Divination, Elemental (fire),Healing, Law Holy Items: Crescent, Knife Ability Req. WIS = 9 CON = 14 Turn/control: Control Cleric Name: Dark Riders Worshipers Align: LE, UN Weapons/Armor: Any from Assassin's list / Chain or less Granted Powers
It speaks of a time when Tarros was mortal, a bastard, unknowing His father. It tells of this degraded half-God as He came to know of His parentage and Hisconfrontation with His father, Taimion. It must also speak of the humiliation a son must feel to be rejected bya father, ridiculed before not just a congregation within a temple, but before the heavens itself. The dark path one must chose, the hardened heart, focus of mind and twisting of spirit. To arise triumphant, sacrificial knife dripping, over the High Dreygen in His fathers first and grandest temple. To shout His curse to the heavens that they are next. Tarros occupies a precarious position, becoming what He hates to destroy it thoroughly. All other Gods His enemy. Waiting, watching, methodically cruel and eternally patient. Awaiting His chance, His opportunity to strike..
Greater Spheres: All, Chaos, Charm, Protection, Time Minor Spheres: Astral, Divination, Healing, Necromantic, Sun Holy Items: Coyotes, Cleric Name: None Worshipers Align. Any Non Lawful, Travelers, Wards Ability Req: DEX 14 INT 13 WIS 9 Turn/Control: No Weapons/Armor: Any to achieve immediate goals Granted Powers
They only take a -2 non-proficiency penalty, for they have none to start. Bonus NWP: They may choose from the Thief NWP without penalty. Myths
Tralix was discouraged by His fathers constant involvement in human affairs. Seeing the birth of Tarros had great potential to upset His father, He went to His half brotber and told him his father is none other than the Great God Taimion, Keeper of the Flame. Then, after Taros' embarrassing confrontation, Tralix helped Tarros plan his revenge. After all is said, all Tralix succeeded in making was an enemy, for Tarros turned on Him the same as their father. Tralix is incapable of learning from His own mistakes, as seen by His constant interference into the lives of others, even when they backfire on Him, and so it seems He is eternally doomed to repeat them.
Greater Spheres: All, Astral, Divination, Numbers, Thought Minor Spheres: Chaos, Healing, Necromantic, Sun, Protection Holy Items: Constellations (any) Cleric Name: Prophet Ability Req.: WIS = 15 INT = 13 Worshipers: Any Good Turn/Control: Turn Weapons/Armor: Any weapon of speed factor 3 or less / Any armor, but cannot use shield or helmet Granted Powers
Bonus Proficiency
Special: Prophets of Andin are always in search of "inner peace" that will allow them to see the "Stars of Prophecy." It is said through calm meditation they can see the "Stars of Prophecy" through closed eyes. Myths
Greater Sphere: All, Creation, Guardian, Protection, Wards Minor Spheres: Animal, Combat, Healing, Summoning, Numbers, Sun, Elemental (Fire/Earth) Holy Item: Weddings, Ivy, Bears, Home Ability Req.: WIS = 13 CON = 13 Must Be female Turn/Control: No Cleric Name: Mauden (Mother) Worshipers Align.: Any Except N/E or C/E Granted Powers
2nd Level Neutralize Poison 3rd Level Cure Critical Wounds 6th Level True Sight 7th Level Raise Dead - Called the "Mother's Kiss" If a home is attacked by undead, a Mauden may lash out by calling on her goddess, doing a damage equal to the "Sunburst" effect on a wand of illumination. This can be done at 5th level and is called "Mother's Stryke." If a save vs spell is successful, clothing acts as chain, and normal household items act as weapons (cutting knife will be dagger, iron pot will be war hammer, etc.) and the Mauden cannot be surprised. Special
Any mother defending her home may call upon Maestre and has a 15% + 5% per level to gain the abilities above (except spells or like effects) Myths
Greater Spheres: All, Charm, Necromantic, Summoning, Time Minor Sphere: Guardian, Protection, Healing, Numbers, War Holy Items: Crow, Fanged Skull, Spiked Ring, Cleric Name: Bards of Sorrow Ability: CON = 13 WIS = 13 Turn/Control: Control Worshipers: All Worshippers Align: N/E, L/E, C/E Granted Powers
Penance Stare
Bard Abilities: May "Influence Reactions" and "Legend Lore" as harper same level. Abilities: Must get singing NWP also musical instrument is recommended. Myths
He cried until dry and howled until hoarse, and relived pain and-torment again and again. Still, even through all of this, He hounded Anna. He went to dark temples to lay screaming on red alters, He went to dark cities and frothed on the roof tops. After generations and generations of this, Anna, not being able to stop Him or kill Him, gave Him Godhood and at last He was quiet. It is said that Dumsin still regrets all that has come to pass, even the gift of Godhood, but then, with the enlightenment that would come with a God's mind, perhaps that gift is a greater curse than that given Him by Maestre.
Greater Spheres: All, Astral, Necromantic, Time, Elemental (neg.) Minor Sphere: Charm, Chaos, Thought, Numbers, Weather Holy Items: None Cleric Name: Special Ability: CON = 13 Com = 13 Turn/Control: Control Worshipers Align.: Any Evil Weapons/Armor: Blowgun, Hand Cross Bow, Dagger, Dart, Knife, Scourge, Sling, Whip, Garrote, Any Armor Bonus Powers:
Elemental - Negative Sphere
2nd level Vampiric Touch 4th Level Lower Resistance 5th Level Evard's Black Tentacles 7th Level Summon Negative Elemental (take liberty to define) Negative plane protection effects clerics of Blaastis differently, allowing them to exist on the Negative Material Plane for 1/hr a level. 12th Level allows a cleric of Blaastis to travel to the Negative Material Plane and back 1/day. Special
All demihumans lose racial bonuses and detriments to ability scores if they worship Blaastis. Clerics of Blaastis lose 1 COM point per level until 0 is reached, at this point they die, never to be raised (they become part of Blaastis) or if high enough level, become a greater undead. Myths
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