by Ian Duncan
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A. Beginning of turn At the beginning of a game-turn test for a change in the weather (if using weather rules). Next, test for initiative. Each player rolls a d6 and adds the score to his General’s Command Rating. Seated Generals gain an extra +1. If the General has been incapacitated then no additions are made to the die roll. Deduct 1 for each friendly unit that has been destroyed/dispersed and also for those currently in rout. The player with the highest result has the initiative for this game-turn; re-roll if scores are tied. The player with the initiative chooses to be the first or second player to dice for clan activation. An alternative card-driven system is described below which gives players much less control over the activation of their clans and is also recommended for solo play. B. Clan Activation Players alternate in attempting to activate their clans. To activate a clan, roll 2d6 and add the daimyo’s rating and also +1 if using a seated general. A score of 8+ is required to make the clan active. A score of less than 8 means the chance has gone for that clan this turn and the other player now chooses a clan. If the daimyo is dead no additions are made to the die roll. Only one attempt may be made to activate a clan per turn. A player may choose to activate his general instead of a clan. No die roll is required for this. Should the clan be successfully activated, follow the sequence in the table below for all units in the active clan that have not been activated earlier in the turn. First, units that made a Rout move or were Frenzied the last time they were activated may take a rally test in an attempt to rally. Next, all units in the clan that can and wish to move and manoeuvre do so. The daimyo can be moved at this time also. Firing by arquebusiers and archers is then conducted followed by melee resolution for any units of the clan in contact with enemy units. Units outside command radius of their daimyo have to test obedience to move but may rally, fire and melee normally. Should the Daimyo be incapacitated, all units in the clan wishing to move must test obedience. Morale tests may be required during the Move/Manoeuvre phase to initiate or respond to a charge. Other morale tests are carried out at the end of turn. Units may have been activated earlier in the turn due to enemy action or morale tests. If so, then that unit cannot perform any of the above actions during it’s own clan activation. Conversely, a unit activated normally may respond to an enemy unit activated later in the turn, say, in response to a charge or a failed morale test. A unit can be activated earlier in the turn by any of the following:
Pursuing Response to being charged. Fighting in melee* *May only affect some stands – other stands in the same unit could fight a different opponent later that turn should a fresh enemy charge in to create a multi-unit melee. C. End of Turn First, check morale of any unit requiring to do so (see section 5 Morale). Next, check victory conditions to see if either side has won. This will depend on scenario but the method described in section 10 Winning & Losing can be used for encounter style battles. If there is no victor yet, the disorder markers are removed from any units that successfully rallied or reformed. Then any leader who has not yet moved may now move. He may join or leave a unit. If he is attached to a unit that has not been activated this turn, the unit cannot be activated but the leader can still move independently. Once leaders have moved, roll 1d6. A 6 indicates a possible random event. Consult the random event table if necessary and then begin a new turn. Sequence of Play
Sample Random Events Table – Roll 1d6. Make up your own table – be creative!
Alternative Card System Sample cards for the Takeda and Uesugi clans will soon be available for download from the “Daimyo” web site. Alternatively, ordinary playing cards can be used. One side uses red cards, the other black. Face cards represent the Generals and numbers represent the clans. The Clan Deck This consists of the following:
Game Turn SequenceA. Both players dice for initiative as described above. The player who has the initiative chooses the first clan to be activated and removes that clan’s card from the deck. The chosen clan must dice for activation as above. The remaining cards (of both clans) are shuffled together. Once all activities of the chosen clan have been completed, go to step B. B. One player draws a card from the Clan Deck. C. Clan Card. The clan drawn may dice to activate as normal. Follow the procedure above for the active clan. When all activities for this clan have been completed, return to step B above. D. General Card. The General is activated and may behave as explained above. When the General’s activities have been completed, return to step B above. Once the last card has been drawn and acted upon, proceed to the End of Turn sequence detailed above. Daimyo Samurai Wargames Rules 1550-1615 Back to Table of Contents -- Lone Warrior # 144 Back to Lone Warrior List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 2003 by Solo Wargamers Association. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |