
By Geoff Barker

Game Master information - Read only upon reaching each location!

"Encounters." The way that encounters with enemy forces works is as follows. For example, at location #3 you will read:

    Defenders: 3 Militiamen & (A,A,Q,Q,R,Y).

Take the (A,A,Q,Q,R,Y) in the description and throw a D6. Read across (from the left) to find a letter.

Next, look up the letter in the Encounters Table. For example, if you threw a 3, that equates to "Q", which (if you look at the Encounters Table) is 6 Cuban soldiers. Thus, the total defence force at the southern barricade is 3 Haitian militiamen and 6 Cuban soldiers. OOPS!


A2 Haitian PolicemenN1 Haitian M60 MG + 2 crewmen
B1D4 Haitian PolicemenO1 Haitian 81mm mortar + 4 crewmen
CA + BP3 Cuban soldiers
D6 Haitian PolicemenQ6 Cuban soldiers
E4 Haitian soldiersREither 1 Cuban sniper or
Cuban armed with SAM
F1D6 Haitian soldiersSEither 1 Cuban DShK HMG or
1 AGS-17 grenade launcher + 2 crewmen
G1D10 Haitian soldiersT1D4 Colombians
HE + FU1 Cuban armed with a SAM
I8 Haitian soldiers + FV3 Haitian militiamen
J12 Haitian soldiers + GW1D6 Haitian militiamen + V
K15 Haitian soldiersX10 Haitian militiamen
L24 Haitian soldiersY1D6 ZOMBIES! !
M1 Haitian .30 Browning MG +
2 crewmen
ZLots of ZOMBIES!! (2D10s)

Note: Cubans have AK's, and at least 1 has RPG.

Miscellaneous: My thoughts on zombies (which you've every right to disagree with) are that they move slowly (1/2 to 2/3 normal speed?), and have to be "well-killed". Say, killed two or three (or four?) times before they eventually lie down and stay down. "Insufficient" fatal wounds merely slow 'em down. No doubt, a couple of rounds from the LAV-25's 25mm chain gun would cause some pretty serious damage even to a zombie! Zombies are not concerned by personal danger (after all, they are already dead). All Zombies are armed solely with melee weapons.

The booze 'n' drug-hyped crazies (e.g. Renato villagers) are another matter. I suspect they'd move (frenziedly) fast, but after a sustained period of activity may "burn out". US Police reports note that drugs allow the user to apparently shrug off otherwise lethal wounds, but it is clearly only a temporary postponement of the inevitable. Once again, they carry only melee weapons. Both [Zombies and Crazies] head directly for the nearest enemy!

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