by Tim DuPertuis
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Attempting to develop a rational vehicle points system that fits in with Games Workshop's addmittedly subjective points values is probably an exercise in madness, but we have given it a try and are happy with the results. All vehicle hull point values were figured using a formula that takes movement, skimmer ability, armor and troop capacity into account. Weapons are added to the hull cost separately and are not an intergral part of the formula. The points formula is amazingly complex and silly so I will not be publishing it, but, if you have a special vehicle design you would like a hull points cost for, send in the movement, Armor Values and transport capacity as well as the army you intend to use it with, along with an S.A.S.E. or by E-mail and I will send you the hull cost points for the vehicle. Speeds over 35" and Armor Values over 25 are outside the scope of the game, so please do not send them in. VEHICLE POINTS CALCULATION Point values for the basic hull configurations are found on the vehicle tables. These values do not include any weapons. Weapons are added at a percentage of the points cost listed for the weapons. Use the weapons page (page 22) for all heavy weapons and the Marine or Space Wolf army Wargear List for basic or special weapons. The cost differential for vehicle crews with a lower BS is included in the percentage "discount" they recieve when purchasing weapons.
Eldar, Squat, Imperial Guard (BS 3+targeter=BS 4): 60% Ork (BS 3): 50% For vehicles for races not listed, figure out what the net BS is and use the appropriate discount. The procedure for calculating vehicle points is: 1. Select hull, noting hull points cost. 2. Select allowable weapons and total the points costs for all weapons. 3. Multiply total weapons costs by the appropriate percentages shown above to get net weapons total. 4. Add hull cost and net weapons total. 5. Round to the nearest five points for the final cost of the vehicle. Sure, it looks pretty improbable, but try figuring up a few vehicles and you will see that the point costs will come very close to GW's point values using this system. The reason for discounting the weapons is to be able to give the basic hulls some value. An unarmed Land Raider would cost 10 points using the weapons exchange system in Dark Millenium and -50 points if you also subtract the two excess Marine gunners. With the system presented here an unarmed Land Raider could be purchased, but at a points value more in keeping with its usefulness. There are, no doubt, ways to abuse this points system. Hopefully the racial weapon limits, weapons capacity limits and assault cannon limits (page 19) will help keep it playable. A mature attitude towards vehicle design will also help. Your opponents need to know well in advance of a game that you will be fielding vehicles using this system so that they can design their own vehicles as well. As suggested earlier, a game limit by the class of weapons or vehicles is also a good idea. THE DAMAGE TABLES The Vehicle Damage Tables on page 23 are a compilation of the damage charts from the existing datafaxes and are meant to be used with all vehicles except those listed at the top of the page. There are four hit location charts that should cover any type of vehicle that could be fielded. Probably the most confusing part of this system is deciding which weapons are targetable (hit location) secondary weapons and which are not. Basically, all Class I and higher weapons that are not the vehicle's main armament are secondary weapons, with the following exceptions: A weapon fired by the driver is not a targetable secondary hit locations unless it is the vehicle's only weapon (the Rhino is the prime example). This rule even applies to machine guns fired by the driver (a Land Raider's twin heavy bolters are not a hit location unless they are the vehicle's only weapons). Example: Secondary hit locations on the Baneblade are: the two sponson positions (the heavy bolters and lascannon all combine into one secondary weapon position), the turret lascannon and the hull heavy bolter. DATAFAXES The Datafaxes that follow this article were all costed using the above system (The only only vehicle I really had trouble with was the Marine Predator which will come out about 10 points lower than the official cost). In the interest of consolidating the system, there were a couple of changes made that you should know about and can ignore if you prefer the original values. Changes: The Track hit location on a land Raider is hit on a I instead of a I or 2 and the Combat speeds of the Leman Russ and Predator were changed to bring them more in line with the system. The fire arcs of the Land Raider heavy bolters and of both Land Raider and Predator lascannon sponsons have been revised to reflect.more realistic fire arcs. Datafaxes with two versions (Tempest I and 2 and Baneblade 1 and 2, for example) are the same vehicle with different classes of main weapon. NOMINAL VEHICLE SPEEDS Vehicles with a "dash" instead of a slow speed are vehicles that are not capable of turning more than 90' per turn. Their usable Slow Speed is any speed up to the Combat Speed and they have a nominal Slow speed of 4" if they are ever reduced to Slow Speed by damage results. This is a simple way to designate that the vehicle is so unmaneuverable that it may not turn more than 90' in one turn. TITANS, BIG WEAPONS AND DATAFAX VEHICLES Assuming you have dealt with the issue of play balance, the mechanics for adding Titans and the higher classes of weapons on the Weapons Chart to a Datafax vehcile game require only the rule (revised from Inquisitor #10) below. The Titan rules and weapons with a Strength higher than 10 can be used in conjuction with the second edition vehicle and dreadnought Datafaxes with the following change: When weapons with a Strength higher than 10 hit a Datafax vehicle, use the following modifiers (based on the strength of the weapon) to modify the roll on the damage table:
Strength 11 +1 Strength 12 +2 Strength 13 +3 Strength 14 +4 Strength 15 +5 Extended Damage Table For All Hit Locations The damage rolls above 6 apply to vehicles and dreadnoughts no matter which location was hit.
7-8 Vehicle destroyed, all crew and passengers killed. 9-11 Vehicle vaporized! Remove from table. Example: A Warlord fires its Class 5 laser and hits a Land Raider. In this case penetration is automatic as the laser does 30+5D6 damage, more than enough to penetrate automatically. (You didn't really think your Land Raider had enough armor to stop a Warlord's laser, did you-) You roll a 4 on the damage roll and add the modifier for the weapon's strength of 13 (+3) to the roll for a total of 7 and check the results on the Extended Damage Table. Result 7 states that the whole vehicle is destroyed (no matter which location was hit). SUSTAINED FIRE WEAPONS The higher classes of sustained fire weapons use the same rules and roll the same number of Sustained Fire dice as the normal Class I weapons. All classes of assault cannon roll three sustained fire dice and clears jams one turn at a time. They do not ignore the first jam as a dreadnoughtmounted assault cannon does. The special Dreadnought rule is a fix for short, four turn games. If you are using higher class Sustained Fire weapons in a game, I am assuming you are playing more than four turns, so that a jam is not as devastating as would be in a short game. HOLOFIELDS In the Epic scale rules it mentions that "certain Eldar vehicles and troops" are equipped with Holofields. The troops are, of course, Harlequins and so far, the only "vehicles" in the Epic game that have Holofields are Phantom Titans. The Eldar Codex states "Holofields that mimic the effects of the Holo-suit are also fitted to some Eldar vehicles and all Eldar Titans." We have always assumed that Holofields would be available to at least some of the Eldar vehicles, so here are optional rules for adding Holofields to your Eldar vehicles. These replace the vehicle holofield rules in Inquisitor #10. The basic Harlequin Holo-suit modifier of -1 is inadequate for use with vehicles because all it does is negate the size modifier for the vehicle. Marines with heavy weapons or Marine vehicles will hit a (4) Holofieldequipped vehicle moving over 20" on a 4+, a 50% chance of hitting-not my idea of a hard to hit vehicle. Another consideration is speed. The background describes Holofields as being more effective the faster the vehicle is moving, so modifiers should increase as the speed increases. The following modifiers reflect these considerations. Consider Holofields to be Vehicle Cards costing 50 points each. Vehicles making pop-up attacks use the under 10" Holofield listing of -1 which is cumulative with the -1 modifier for firing at a target coming out of cover while on Overwatch.
With Titan rules changes in Inquisitor #11, we have found that the Titan Holofield modifiers are a bit too high. For those of you that are interested, try these same modifiers with your Eldar Titans. I still feel that these are a bit low for Titans, but give them a try and send some feedback.
Assault cannons have gradually infiltrated the 40K universe from their beginnings as single-battle disposable weapons for Terminators only (!) to their current availability for Terminators (including any Wolf Guard squad model), dreadnoughts and vehicles. This weapon is probably the most generally effective weapon in the game, deadly against infantry and also quite effective against all but the toughest vehicles. Using the Dark Millenium vehicle weapons substitution rules it is possible to arm a Land Raider with two twinmount assault cannons (no points change), three twin-mount assault cannons (+60 points) or six independent firing assault cannons (also +60 points). If you also allow the use of the Dark Millenium vehicle weapons substitution rules to be used for dreadnoughts (very questionable), it is possible to arm your Space Marine dreadnought with 2 twin lasers and then convert them to assault cannons for a quad assault cannon-armed dreadnought. These examples are quite far from what the game designers intended and make the game pretty unplayable if you are facing one (or more!) of these monstrosities. SUGGESTIONS In Epic scale, Ork Titans equipped with the Ork equivalent of assault cannons (gatling cannon etc.) are limited to one of these weapons per Titan because of their prodigous rate of ammunition comsumption. In the name of playability, I would strongly reccomend-applying one of the following suggestions to limit the use of assault cannons.
2. Assault cannons (maximum of one per) are limited to Terminators, dreadnoughts (which are basically Class I Titans) and Titans only. This suggestion is my preferred solution and is probably the closest to the original background of the game. VEHICLE DAMAGE TABLESThese tables do not cover bikes, light vehicles ( buggies, speeders etc.), or walkers. Hit Locations*If there are multiple main weapons randomize between possible weapons that the firer could see. If there are multiple secondary weapons randomize between possible weapons that the firer could see. Secondary weapon examples: Predator lascannons, Leman Russ lascannon and heavy bolters, Tempest shuriken cannons. Basic Vehicle APC/SP Gun/Assault Gun
SP Gun/Assault Gun with secondary weapons
Tank (main weapon(s) in rotating turret)
Tank with secondary weapons
VEHICLE DAMAGE TABLESD6 Track/Wheel/Grav Engine Damage Table
D6 Hull Damage Table
Weapon and Secondary/Sponson Weapon: Position Damage Table If there are multiple main weapons randomize between possible weapons that the firer could see. If there are multiple secondary weapons randomize between possible weapons that the firer could see. 1 The weapon is damaged and the weapon may only be fired if you first roll a 4 or more on a 1D6.
Turret Damage Table
Vehicle System Update
Points and Damage Tables: Eldar, Imperial, and Orks: Large (slow: 257K) Tables: Eldar, Imperial, and Orks: Jumbo (slow: 354K) Tables: Heavy Weapons (very slow: 297K) Tables: Vehicle Damage Datafax: Falcon Variants (slow: 148K) Datafax: Eldar Heavy Vehicles (slow: 193K) Datafax: Imperial Guard APCs (slow: 180K) Datafax: Imperial Guard Tanks (slow: 180K) Datafax: Imperial Guard Super Heavy Tanks (slow: 107K) Datafax: Imperial Guard Super Heavy Self-Propelled Guns (slow: 110K) Back to Table of Contents -- Inquisitor # 13 Back to Inquisitor List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1996 by Tim DuPertuis. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and gaming magazines are available at |