by John Astell
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The Second Front playtest is off and running. No group has yet played a game to completion, but several are in the thick of things. Here's a condensed report from a group in Virginia, who have played the 1944 scenario up to August 1944: Setup The Germans in Italy opted to fall back on a fortified line just south of Roma. Forts were placed north of Roma and near Firenze along defensible lines. In France and the Low Countries the beaches were defended by forts and 10-14 point stacks as far west as Cherbourg, and fort lines were built behind potential Allied landing sites. Bombers were based to the rear, and all Luftwaffe airbases were heavily garrisoned with flak. The Allies set up in Italy to advance behind an obvious German withdrawal. In the ETO it was decided to land in France in late May. Apr I 44 The weather is everywhere clear. Allied aircraft from England attack rail junctions all over France and bomber bases near the German border. (The bombers are shortly withdrawn to Germany.) In the MTO the German line is pushed back in two places. Apr II 44 More air attacks in the West. A large fight near Paris cost the Luftwaffe almost a third of its fighters in France. In the MTO continued attacks push the German line back. May I 44 More air attacks in France. In Italy the Germans abandon Roma. May II 44 The Allies land on the west coast of the Cotentin Peninsula almost unopposed. The equivalent of four airborne divisions are dropped. Cherbourg is taken and the majority of the peninsula is secured. Harassment missions are flown over the entire area around the beachhead. In the MTO a British attack on the east coast north of Pescara breaks out and cuts off a panzer division and the remnants of an infantry division. Jun I 44 The Germans in the West move every panzer division and a number of infantry divisions to contain the Allies. The Brittany Peninsula is abandoned. The Allies attack toward Caen and secure the base of the Cotentin. Allied attacks in Italy achieve limited breakthroughs. Jun II 44 German bombers and V1's blast the Allied Mulberries. Both are temporarily put out of action, but are quickly repaired. A German counterattack on the beachhead is repulsed (NE at 3:1 +1). The Allies launch a major offensive for Caen and secure the area in bloody exchanges. Jul I 44 German bombers and V1's again attack the Mulberries but do less damage. Combat west of Caen continues to bleed the panzer forces. In the MTO Allied attacks reduce a pocket of three German infantry divisions and pocket two panzer corps and three infantry divisions, destroying three other divisions in the process. Jul II 44 Continued attacks on the Mulberries do little damage. Cherbourg harbor is cleared and large Allied formations begin to land. A second landing is made on the tip of the Brittany Peninsula. In Italy the Germans extract one of their panzer corps and fall back on the line Firenze-Rimini. Allied landings along the Italian coast between the French border and La Spezia secure access to the Po Valley. What will be the German reaction? More Inside Europa
On the Soap Box: What is Europa? Those Saucy Aussies: 2nd Australian Imperial Force Meanwhile, Back in the East: Soviet Victory Panzers East: Options for 1941 Back to Europa Number 12 Table of Contents Back to Europa List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1990 by GR/D This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |