Rollbahnen January-February, 1942

CD Scenario: Soviet Forces

by Greg Novak

The Soviet forces were air-dropped into the area starting on the night of January 27/28, lasting until the night of January 30/31. The drops were ill-fated, with some units scattered over a wide area, some never making it off the ground, and the Luftwaffe carrying out air strikes against the air bases the Soviets were operating from. To reflect this, I suggest that the Soviet players roll 1D6 for the following units on a stand-by-stand basis, starting on the night of the 27/28 and continuing each night until the 30/31.

    Die Roll Effect
    5-6 Stand lands successfully
    2-4 Reroll on the following night
    1 Stand is lost, removed from play

The Soviet player after each night's drop must decide whether he will move on the Rollbahnen. His operations will start one day after that date, so if he wishes to start operations after the drop on the 27/28, he will enter the board on the January 29. He may still roll for reinforcements but they will be subject to the same delay: i.e., stands which drop on the night of 28/29 will arrive on board on the morning of the 30.

8th Airborne Brigade Troop Quality: Veteran, Morale: 10

    Headquarters Company, with:
      1 command stand
      1 command SMG stand
      1 staff radio stand

    Supply Company, with: 2 ammo porter stands

    Antiaircraft Company, with: 1 AAMG stand

    Reconnaissance Company, with: 1 ski recon SMG stand

    Engineer Company, with: 1 command engineer stand

    Artillery Battalion, with:

      Headquarters, with: 1 command stand

      Field Gun Battery, with:

        1 gun crew (ds)
        1 76L16 infantry gun
        1 ammo porter stand

      Mortar Battery, with:

        1 82mm mortar stand (ds)
        1 ammo porter stand

        Antitank Gun Battery, with:

          3 gun crew stands
          3 45L46 AT guns

    3 Airborne Infantry Battalions, each with:

      Headquarters, with:
        1 command SMG stand
        1 recon SMG stand
        1 engineer stand

      3 Parachute Infantry Companies, each with:

        1 command SMG stand
        1 SMG stand

      Machinegun Company, with: 2 MMG stands

      Mortar Company, with: 2 50mm mortar stands

      Antitank Company, with: 1 PTRD ATR stand

The 76L16 infantry gun and 45L46 AT guns were equipped with sleds. Weapons so equipped can be pushed 4" per turn under a full move order.

In addition to the rolls for the actual stands, roll 2D6 each night for the number of ski sets that were successfully dropped. All the above stands were ski trained.

All Soviet stands were issued snow suits and should always be considered as under cover when spotting attempts are made.

Soviet Re-inforcements

Ace of Diamonds

Enters from the north board edge.

Elements, 18th Cavalry Division Troop Quality: Regular, Morale: 8

    Headquarters Squadron, with:
      1 mounted command stand
      1 command cavalry stand
      1 recon cavalry SMG stand
      1 mounted engineer stand

    Infantry Gun Battery, with:

      1 gun crew (ds)
      1 76L16 infantry gun
      1 limber

    Antitank Battery, with:

      1 gun crew
      1 limber
      1 45L46 AT gun

    4 Cavalry Squadrons, each with: 2 cavalry SMG stands

    Machinegun Squadron, with: 3 MMG carts

King of Diamonds

Enters from the east board edge.

Elements, 1st Partisan Regiment Troop Quality: Experienced, Morale: 8

    Headquarters, with:
      1 mounted command stand
      1 recon cavalry SMG stand
      1 engineer stand

    3 Infantry Companies, each with: 2 infantry stands

    Machinegun Company, with: 1 MMG stand

Queen of Diamonds

Enters from the east board edge.

Elements, 1st Partisan Regiment Troop Quality: Experienced, Morale: 8

    Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 recon SMG stand
      1 engineer stand

    3 Infantry Companies, each with: 2 infantry stands stand

    Mortar Company, with: 1 82mm mortar stand (ds)

Jack of Diamonds

Enters from the north board edge.

Elements, 24th Cavalry Division Troop Quality: Regular, Morale: 8

    Headquarters Squadron, with:
      1 mounted command stand
      1 command cavalry stand
      1 recon cavalry SMG stand

    3 Cavalry Squadrons, each with: 2 cavalry SMG stands

    Machinegun Squadron, with: 2 MMG carts

Ace of Hearts

Enters from the south board edge.

Elements, 1st Guards Cavalry Division Troop Quality: Veteran, Morale: 9

    Headquarters Squadron, with:
      1 mounted command stand
      1 command cavalry stand
      1 recon cavalry SMG stand
      1 mounted engineer stand

    Infantry Gun Battery, with:

      1 gun crew (ds)
      1 76L16 infantry gun
      1 limber

    Antitank Battery, with:

      1 gun crew
      1 limber
      1 45L46 AT gun

    4 Cavalry Squadrons, each with: 2 cavalry SMG stands

    Machinegun Squadron, with: 3 MMG carts

King of Hearts

Enters from the south board edge.

Elements, 2nd Guards Cavalry Division Troop Quality: Veteran, Morale: 9

    Headquarters Squadron, with:
      1 mounted command stand
      1 command cavalry stand
      1 recon cavalry SMG stand
      1 mounted engineer stand

    Infantry Gun Battery, with:

      1 gun crew (ds)
      1 76L16 infantry gun
      1 limber

    3 Cavalry Squadrons, each with: 2 cavalry SMG stands

    Machinegun Squadron, with: 3 MMG carts

Queen of Hearts

Enters from the south board edge.

Elements, 1st Guards Cavalry Division Troop Quality: Veteran, Morale: 9

    Tank Battalion, with:
      Battalion Headquarters, with: 1 command BT-7

      2 Tank Companies, each with: 2 BT-7 tanks

Jack of Hearts

Enters from the south board edge.

Elements, 1st Guards Cavalry Corps Troop Quality: Veteran, Morale: 9

    Ski Infantry Battalion, with:
      Headquarters, with:
        1 command ski SMG stand
        1 recon ski SMG stand
        1 engineer ski stand

      3 Ski Infantry Companies, each with:

        1 command ski infantry stand
        1 ski infantry stand

      Machinegun Company, with: 2 ski MMG stands

      Mortar Company, with: 2 ski 50mm mortar stands

      Antitank Company, with: 1 ski PTRD ATR stand

Rollbahnen: January-February, 1942 CD Scenario

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