The Late, Great (Unfought) War

Warsaw Pact: Strategic Front

by Greg Novak and Frank Chadwick

Western Strategic Front Forces

All elements Category "A" Veteran, Morale: 9 unless otherwise noted. Units may start the game anywhere in the German Democratic Republic except adjacent to the German Border.

5th Guards Tank Regiment

Troop Quality: Category "1" Experienced, Morale: 9
    Regimental Headquarters
      1 command T-72 MBT
      1 TOC Staff Van
      1 UAZ-469 Car

    Regimental AA Battery

      1 SA-9
      1 ZSU-23/4

    Regimental Recon Company

      1 recon BMP-1/2
      1 recon BRDM-2

    Regimental Engineer Company

      1 command engineer stand
      1 TMN bridgelayer
      1 MTU bridgelayer
      1 medium truck
      1 GMZ tracked minelayer
      9 mine rollers

    Regimental Maintenance Company

      3 ARVs 2 maintenance vans with trailers

    3 Tank Battalions, each with:

      Battalion Headquarters, with:
        1 command T-72 MBT
        1 cargo truck with trailer
        1 maintenance van

      Lead Company, with:

        1 command T-72
        1 T-72 MBT

      Two Companies, each with: 2 T-72 MBTs

    Motor Rifle Battalion

      Battalion Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 AGS-17 GL stand
        2 BMP-1/2
        1 medium ammo truck

      3 Companies, each with:

        3 infantry stands
        2 BMP-1/2
        1 BMP-2

      Mortar Company, with:

        1 gun crew stand (ds)
        1 120 mm mortar
        1 medium truck

    Artillery Battalion

      Battalion Headquarters, with:
        1 COP stand
        1 ACRV-1
        1 ACRV-2 TOC
        1 medium ammo truck with trailer

      3 Batteries, each with:

        1 2S1 SP 122mm howitzer
        1 ammo truck

1st Heavy Artillery Brigade

    Brigade Headquarters
      1 COP stand
      1 ACRV-1
      1 ACRV-2 TOC
      1 counterbattery radar van

    2 Artillery Battalions, each with:

      Battalion Headquarters, with:
        1 COP stand
        1 ACRV-1
        2 heavy ammo trucks with trailers

      3 Batteries, each with:

        1 gun crew stand (ds)
        1 artillery tractor
        1 D30 122mm howitzer 1 ammo truck

    Artillery Battalion

      Battalion Headquarters, with:
        1 COP stand 1 ACRV-1
        2 heavy ammo trucks with trailers

      3 Batteries, each with:

        1 gun crew stand (ds) 1 artillery tractor
        1 M46/54 130mm gun 1 ammo truck

    Artillery Battalion

      Battalion Headquarters, with:
        1 COP stand
        1 ACRV-1
        2 heavy ammo trucks with trailers

      3 Batteries, each with:

        1 gun crew stand (ds)
        1 artillery tractor
        1 B4M 203mm howitzer
        1 ammo truck

1st SAM Brigade

    Brigade Headquarters
      1 command stand
      1 UAZ-469
      1 staff TOC van

    Support Battery

      1 command stand
      1 UAZ-469
      2 heavy ammo trucks with trailers

    Artillery Battalion

      Battalion Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 UAZ-469
        2 heavy ammo trucks with trailers

      3 Batteries, each with:

        1 SA-4 platform (fixed)

    Artillery Battalion

      Battalion Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 UAZ-469
        2 heavy ammo trucks with trailers

      3 Batteries, each with:

        1 SA-6 platform (fixed)

    Antiaircraft Battalion

      Battalion Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 UAZ-469
        1 heavy ammo truck

      3 Batteries, each with:

        1 command stand
        1 UAZ-469
        2 gun crew stands (ds)
        2 medium trucks
        2 ZU-23-2 towed 23mm AA guns

1st River Assault Engineer Battalion

Troop Quality: Category "I" Experienced, Morale: 9

    Battalion Headquarters
      1 command BRDM2 2 engineer stands
      2 light trucks
      1 maintenance van
      1 heavy supply truck with trailer

    2 Ferry Companies, each with: 5 GSP tracked ferrys

    2 PTS-M Companies, each with:

      1 command engineer stand
      1 medium truck
      1 earthmover
      4 PTS-M amphibians

Guards Airborne Regiment

Troop Quality: Category "A" Veteran, Morale: 11

    Regimental Headquarters
      1 command stand
      1 UAZ-469
      1 TOC Staff Van

    Regimental AA Battery

      1 gun crew stand (ds)
      1 medium truck
      1 ZU-23-2 towed 23mm AA gun

    Regimental AT Company:

      1 command BDRM/AT-5
      2 BDRM/AT-5

    Regimental Mortar Company:

      1 SO-120 SP 120mm mortar

    Regimental Assault Gun Company:

      1 command ASU-85
      1 ASU-85

    Regimental Engineer Company:

      1 command engineer stand
      1 engineer stand
      1 medium truck

    103rd Guards Airborne Battalion

      Battalion Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 AGS-17 GL stand
        1 medium ammo truck

      3 Companies, each with:

        1 command infantry stand
        1 infantry stand
        2 BMD

    106th Guards Airborne Battalion, with: as 103rd Guards Airborne Battalion

    120th Guards Airborne Battalion, with: as 103rd Guards Airborne Battalion

1st Attack Helicopter Squadron

Troop Quality: Category "A" Veteran, Morale: 10

    1 command Mi-24 Hind Ds
    2 Mi-24 Hind Ds
    2 recon Mi-2s
    1 recon Mi-28

2nd Attack Helicopter Squadron

as 1st Attack Helicopter Squadron

3rd Transport Helicopter Battalion

Troop Quality: Category "A" Veteran, Morale: 9

    1 command Mi-26 Halo
    3 Mi-6 Hooks

4th Transport Helicopter Battalion

Troop Quality: Category "A" Veteran, Morale: 9

    1 command Mi-8 Hip
    4 Mi-8 Hips

Soviet Air Force

These aircraft must be assigned to serve one of the three fronts.
7 Veteran pilots, 7 Experienced pilots, 6 Regular pilots:

    3 Su-17s
    1 Su-24
    2 Su-25s
    4 MiG-21s
    2 MiG-23s
    6 MiG-27s
    1 Su-17 Recon
    1 MG-25 Recon

The Late, Great (Unfought) War CA Warsaw Pact vs. NATO

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